I've always thought that 401 "Not Authorized" was poorly chosen wording, 
because it really says the same thing as 403 "Forbidden".  However, the 
requirement that a 401 status also MUST send a WWW-Authenticate header I think 
in practice has led 401 to really mean "Not Authenticated" and 403 to really 
mean "Not Authorized". Whereas in the description of 403 in rfc2616 section 10 
explicitly states that "Authentication will not help", which implies that 
either no authentication is possible, the user is simply trying to do something 
the server doesn't want done, or it implies that the user is in fact 
authenticated, and the server is saying the authenticated user isn't authorized 
to do that.

So where does that leave us?  I guess I think that the abstract implementation 
of Authenticator should not simply return 204 to the client if Authentication 
has been set to be required, and a concrete subclass has returned false in the 
authenticate() method.  It is OK, because it does in fact stop the filter, but 
I think it could be a little bit easier on the programmer implementing the 
concrete subclass.  Perhaps setting the status to 403 is more appropriate in 
this case.  Anyway, I trust the restlet team's judgement here, but if you 
decide to keep the behavior as it is, then I encourage you to document clearly 
that the unauthenticated() method will also need to be overridden in subclasses 
in order to produce behavior that results in a 401 or 403 upon returning false 
from the authenticate() method.  I would be happy to look at possible 
implementations of changing the default behavior if it is something the restlet 
team thinks would be worthwhile.

The good news is that as far as my current project goes, I have custom 
subclasses of Authenticators and Authorizers working very well and I really 
like the new security architecture, I'm just trying to figure out if this 
particular aspect of the behavior is as simple as it could be.

Thanks for your time,


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