Hello Andrzej,

I wonder if the source cause if your issue is out there.
Could you tell us how are built your resources? How do you send the 
request using jquery?

Best regards,
Thierry Boileau

> Our Restlet resource server APPLICATION_JSON and APPLICATION_XML. A JQuery
> client, sets the Accept Type to "*/*, application/xml". So the Restlet
> negotiates that APPLICATION_JSON should be returned as expected. However, we
> want APPLICATION_XML to be served. The problem is that we are unable to
> remove the "*/*" as the first Accept type in JQuery. JQuery seems to tack on
> the "*/*" as an Accept Type to every request we send.
> Is there an elegant way in Restlet to filter the "*/*" values, e.g. ALL or
> APPLICATION_ALL? We can certainly get the Accept Headers in Restlet and
> re-arrange the Accept list ourselves to "override" the Restlet negotiation.
> We are thinking of filtering, after Restlet negotiation, based on the
> User-Agent header for this particular JQuery client, so as not to "break"
> the Restlet behaviour for other clients (which is what we expect.)


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