On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 7:35 AM, Rob Heittman
<rob.heitt...@solertium.com> wrote:
> I agree.  I think that when the discussion starts to turn around which HTTP
> verbs map best to the idiosyncracies of relational databases (like safe
> transactional ID assignment for rows) it is a hint to try mapping REST onto
> the application at a higher abstraction level.  REST styles often work more
> naturally for high level object constructs, which also tend to have
> corresponding real-world unique identifiers.  As the abstraction level gets
> higher, I find it both improves the fit to representational concepts, and
> raises the likelihood of having a way of deterministically arriving at URIs
> specific to the real world problem domain.
> The most successful and widely adopted REST APIs seem to me to use natural
> semantic concepts, URIs included.

Well, "natural semantic concepts" is possibly not that common even in
Rest space. In the "natural" world, there are many "URIs" for a
particular "resource". In many (possibly most) cases they start with
an 'anonymous' URI that we could call "self" and traverses "downwards"
(i.e. no ../../../ ). "My Sister" equals someone else's "My Friend
Marie", and this "natural semantics" are in my experience fairly rare,
albeit not that hard to accomplish with a graph oriented data store
(Neo4j comes to *my* mind), and using base URIs embedded in the
representation (being in a UUID form) and all other references
relative and with resource-local identifiers (which also simplifies
the earlier statement of assignment of URIs).

> If the application just involves using Restlet as an implementation detail
> of a private client/server system in a controlled environment, then I would
> not fret too much about verb choice and other details as long as it makes
> sense to the implementer and maintainers, and works well in practice.

Otherwise, I think you formulate a conflated subject very well. In
such controlled environment, it is also an open choice to extend the
verb vocabulary if it makes sense.

Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer
http://www.qi4j.org - New Energy for Java

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