
I've got an app that gets a custom value in the HTTP Authorization
request header.  So far I've wrote an Authenticator that checks the
validity of the provided values by parsing the Authorization header

There are then 3 different types of authorization rules depending on
the URI pattern so I've 3 Authorizer subclasses set as routes from the
authenticator which themselves link back to the actual resource
subclasses.  Logic in these authorizers again uses the contents of the
Authorization header to look up the user in ACLs on the resources.

Which is all well and good and pretty much works.  But I'm getting
warnings logged as the Authorization header value is non-standard and
no built-in mechanism knows how to parse the value.  I'm not using any
of the ChallengeResponse or related classes currently but poking
around in the code I see that the base Authenticator class tries to
parse the Authorization header and in my case it fails.

The values in my Authorization header don't really map into the
standard attributes on the ChallengeResponse object, it's basically a
user id and a hash.  But on a quick look it appears to be non-trivial
to add the custom code to do the parsing to provide these as say
ChallengeResponse#user and ChallengeResponse#secret.

Being quite new to Restlet I'm perhaps getting confused between some
1.0 and 2.0 classes as it appeared to me that I need subclass
org.restlet.engine.security.AuthenticationHelper but that seemed
contrary to the newer org.restlet.security classes.

Can anyone elaborate?



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