Isn't there a possibility to map all other requests (except "/restlet/*" and 
"/index.html") to a resource?

In the end it should be like this:
resourceA -> localhost/myapp/restlet/*
index.html -> localhost/myapp/
resourceB -> localhost/myapp/*

Please help :)

> hello!
> I run a restlet application inside a j2ee container.
> in my web xml are the following entries:
> <servlet-mapping>  
>  <servlet-name>RestletServlet</servlet-name>  
>  <url-pattern>/restlet/*</url-pattern>
> </servlet-mapping>
> and
> <welcome-file-list>
>  <welcome-file>index.html</welcome-file>
> </welcome-file-list>
> Now every call to the server like "localhost:8080/MyApplication/restlet/*" is 
> mapped to the application.
> If I just type localhost:8080/MyApplication/ i get redirected to 
> "localhost:8080/MyApplication/index.html"
> How can I redirect every other call (i.e. 
> "localhost:8080/MyApplication/othercall" to 
> "localhost:8080/MyApplication/error.html" ?
> Thanks in advance!


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