
I've jsut downloaded Restlet and I'm trying to create a simple 
application that displays the contents of a directory. I have Tomcat 
running, I've created a war file which contains the 3 JARs that are said 
to be required in the tutorial [1], and the source code of my 
application is as follows:

public class Documents extends Application {

     public Restlet createRoot() {
         LocalReference ref = new 
         return new Directory(getContext(), ref);


When I deploy the web application and open 
http://localhost:8080/resttest/hello.txt (a file that does exist in 
~/stuff/) I get the following message:

The server has not found anything matching the request URI

I looked at the logs, and it seems that Restlet is resolving the URI 
correctly: to /home/csaba/stuff/hello.txt

There are no errors in the logs. So why doesn't it display a text file's 
contents for me? Or if I just want to see the contents of the directory, 
then why doesn't that work either?

Mind you, in the tutorial [2] it says that I should use the 
createInboundRoot() method. If I do that, then I get another error:

The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from 
fulfilling the request

The log file says: INFO: A filter was executed without a next Restlet 
attached to it.
I'm guessing this means I should use the createRoot() method.

What to do?

Thanks, Csaba

1 - http://www.restlet.org/documentation/1.1/firstSteps#part03
2 - http://www.restlet.org/documentation/2.0/tutorial#part06


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