
We've just upgraded form RC 1 to RC 3 (we skipped RC 2 due to blocking issues), 
and there appears to have been some changes in the way SSL keystores are 
managed - our test self-signed certificate that worked perfectly with RC 1 now 
has issues with RC 3.

The behaviour is a bit odd:
- Firefox accepts it after having been told to ignore it.
- Safari refuses it, whether or not it has been told to ignore it.
- curl accepts it with the -k flag
- connecting using an RC 1 powered Java client works, an RC 3 powered one fails.

>From what I've found, it appears that there were some modifications in 
>keystore management, but the only thing I could find was "SSL keystores 
>configuration was adjusted for simplicity purpose" in the RC 2 release notes. 
>Is there a list of what precisely these changes are I can find somewhere ?

I don't know whether that's useful, but:
- we're using the Simple web server.
- querying our server with curl, the only differences I could find between RC 1 
and RC 3 were: "SSL connection using EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA" (RC 1) and "SSL 
connection using DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA" (RC 3).

Any help or hints at where to look at would be greatly appreciated !



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