Hi all,


Following a recent customer project experience involving GXT + GWT +
Restlet/GWT + Restlet/JEE and discussions about the interest of scripting
languages as opposed to a statically type language with Jean-Paul Figer [1],
I reconsidered an idea initially suggested by Yuri de Wit [2] to add a pure
JavaScript edition of Restlet.


Due to the emergence of HTML 5 on all sorts of browser platforms (mobile),
the improvement of JavaScript engines such as Chrome V8 and the overall
convergence with REST and Restlet/Java on the server-side, it seems like a
good time to push for a more RESTful JavaScript client API, reusing the
Restlet API semantics in pure JavaScript. Eclipse 3.6 also improved its
support for JavaScript developments


Of course, we already have the GWT edition of Restlet which provides a nice
solution, but there seems to be room for a more hypermedia driven/document
oriented solution, combining AJAX and UI libraries such as jQuery, Ext JS,
YUI to name a few popular ones. I've collected my thoughts on this wiki page
and look forward to reading your ideas and experiences. 


"JavaScript edition"



Best regards,
Jerome Louvel



[1] REST paper in French: http://www.figer.com/publications/REST.htm

[2] "Add JavaScript client":

[3] AJAX Tools Framework: http://www.eclipse.org/atf/


Restlet ~ Founder and Technical Lead ~  <http://www.restlet.org/>
Noelios Technologies ~  <http://www.noelios.com/> http://www.noelios.com


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