I'm wondering how to integrate the Google Visualization Tookit 
Datasource Librairie
inside a Restlet container (standalone version).

The Google Visualization Toolkit allow allows to graph a lot of data in 
graphs format and widgets (gallery here :
http://code.google.com/apis/visualization/documentation/gallery.html ).

There is a Google library that allow datasource buildup, lets say inside 
an application (Reslet).
see an intro here : 

But when I look to the Java API, there is a high level requirement on 
the HttpServlet API
that look at very simple parameters (e.g like domain and host request). 
So there is few
high level API that looks like :

  DataTable    generateDataTable(Query query, HttpServletRequest request)
           Generates the data table.

(see here : 

My question is :

Would it be possible to implement a kind of HttpServlet Factory from a 
Restlet request
and feed this object interface to such an external library ?
(looking at the source it seems like there is no need to access low 
level Stream
just some way to reconstruct a standard Sun HttpRequest parameters)

I know I could use a web container, but I'd like to ask weird and 
twisted question ;-)
(seriously I'm still not convince I need to grab a whole web container 
for my small app).


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