
I am using the restlet- jars from the maven.restlet.org- Repository (so, 
the public ones). That means, they are refreshed on the 1st and the 15th 
of each month.
Due to that, Thierry's changes should be in there by now (he reported 
them on 22th of September).

My Version is JEE Restlet 2.0.1. But in fact I get exactly the error 
Dustin reported about. When I try to POST to my resource, the server 
says "405 - Method not allowed", but the header says "Allows: GET,  
POST". The @Post- Annotation is present.

Maybe the change didn't make it to the maven- repository by now?
Or is there any possibility things went wrong for other reasons? (I've 
got quite a large Inheritance- Hierarchy, in fact the annotation is in 
an interface and the Restlet- class is inherited from a class, which 
implements the interface and ServerResource, could that be a problem?)

The environment is a RestletApplication packed as war and deployed to 
Tomcat 6.0.29 as it was for Dustin. All the other resources (using get) 
including the get- Method of that resource work fine.


On 23.09.2010 01:07, Dustin N. Jenkins wrote:
> Lovely, thanks Thierry!
> On 09/22/2010 10:20 AM, Thierry Boileau wrote:
>> Hello Dustin,
>> thanks for your report. I've fixed this bug in the svn repository (trunk and 
>> 2.0 branch).
>> Best regards,
>> Thierry Boileau
>> ------------------------------------------------------
>> http://restlet.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=4447&dsMessageId=2663402


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