Hi. I have this design dilemma.

I have a ContactResource mounted at /contacts/${code}

Now I have a couple of opeartions, like "change password" and "exportToSap".
Each of them is a Post operation, so I think I can map both on the
same URL cause they are related to that specific Contact resource.

But I have to manage the logical "if", identifying if the Post is for
a change passowrd or for the export operations.
Given I do not like to have a "if" I think I am missing some Restlet
component that manage that switch for me, that is managing different
operations via POST on the same url.

Or maybe the right design is to mount a new Resource for each operations, like


I have used this way till now but I'd like a different solution to
avoid proliferation of resources.


Daniele Dellafiore


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