Tutorial works fine for me in dev mode, but fails when I upload to appspot.  I 
only have a single servlet in my web.xml
    <param-value>CLAP FILE</param-value>

<servlet-class>org.restlet.ext.gwt.GwtShellServletWrapper</servlet-class> -->


I don't see any errors in the appspot log, just the message: "Oops! This link 
appears to be broken." in the browser.

I am using the gwt version of the org.restlet.jar (2.1 M1) on the client and 
the gae (2.1 M1) version of org.restlet.jar (and the other 6 jars required by 
the tutorial).

Any ideas as to how I can track down the problem?  The only change I made to 
the tutorial was to change to newer jars and the modification you can see above 
in the web.xml.

You can try it for yourself at: http://rbresttest2.appspot.com/

Thanks so much - I am trying to see if I can learn enough about restlet to 
recommend it for an upcoming product.



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