Hello, thank's for the quick answer !
I tried with IE, FF and Chrome. The result is the same.
I profiled the client with the Chrome plugin Speed Tracer : I thought there was 
no ambiguity. But I had a doubt because chrome is working strangely on my pc.
I then created a simple restlet client in order to test : 
ClientResource resource = new 

There is no doubt : if i don't de-serialize, the performance is very good...

The pb is on the client side...

my first tests will be :
1/ desactivate every graphical update on the client side : done, no significant 
result (13s)
2/ de-serialize the json string result in gwt
3/ try the Google Chrome Frame you mentionned
4/ ? any suggestion ?

Is there a way to improve the de-serialization with GWT ? 
Should I modify my objects ?
Should I store the data corresponding to the "Operations" in tables / array 
(not very familiar with javascript...)

Thank's !



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