I am trying to create a RESTful application Server.
I am going to use the RestLet framework.
As i am designing the URL's i have some questions.
This app server is going to be the backend for an iPhone app.
The app will require authentication

So here is where i get a little confused with the design.

The app will make a call to 
this will return a XML with the available apps and their URI's

here is where i can not seem to connect the dots, and i would like to do this 
correctly the restful/reslet way.

if they goto directly http://mydomain.com/api/users/{userid}/apps/ initially 
they will get a 401 (unauthorized)

With this app they can not do anything without being authenticated

In my application i am using the CookieAuthenticator

I do not understand the correct way for this client to start

Should the app initially POST username and password to
https://mydomain.com/api/users ??

thanks for any help


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