You can check out the daemon support page for Prudence (which is based 
on Restlet):

Prudence comes with working configuration files for Tanuki's Wrapper and 
for YAJSW. It comes with Apache Commons Daemon ready to run, with a 
rather sophisticated bash and Windows script.


On 03/31/2011 01:53 PM, Fabian Mandelbaum wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to know if there's some examples (and where are them, of
> course) on using Tanuki's wrapper to 'control' (startup, shutdown) a
> Restlet application.
> I'm currently using a 'main' class which sets my Application instance,
> starts needed services, and starts the Application, together with a
> shutdown hook to shut itself down when:
> 1) the user hits Ctrl+C on the console where my app is running; or
> 2) a POST is gotten on /system/control/shutdown
> and am having problems with dangling Java processes left around and
> not really 'clean' shutdown.
> I'm using the Jetty server connector.
> Any ideas/help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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