We have a problem getting the original exception out of the ResourceException.

If there is an exception thrown in the @Get method, we do something like this:

@get method
catch(Throwable t)
  throw new ResourceException(t);

Through a variety of different efforts, this one the final one to this point, 
we override doCatch(Throwable)

And it looks like:

this.getResponse().s​etStatus(new Status(Status.SERVER​_ERROR_INTERNAL, t));

On the client side, we catch throwable which is indeed a ResourceException. 
However, getCause() is null. The client stack trace looks like this in the end 
- with no traces of the original exception even though we know it is passed 
into the doCatch method.

Internal Server Error (500) - Internal Server Error
    at org.restlet.resource​.ClientResource.doEr​ror(ClientResource.j​ava:459)
    at org.restlet.resource​.ClientResource$1.i​nvoke(ClientResource​.java:1667)
    at $Proxy9.storeItem(Unknown Source)

I have searched pretty extensively for a solution or some examples on how to 
solve this. Am I missing something?



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