Usually GET requests do specify filtering parameters on the URL,
that's fine and standard RESTful practice.

IIRC, HTTP discourages sending an entity body with GET requests... I
cannot remember right now, but it may be even disallowed.

If (for example, for security reasons) you MUST avoid sending
filtering parameters in the URL, you should think about designing a
'search' resource that accepts a form with the search parameters, and
returns the response you want. You'd be doing a POST to that resource
with a form, xml, json, whatever you want, with your search
parameters... but HTTP already provides for that, as part of the
protocol, in the form of the URL query parameters you'd like to avoid
(GET /bla/bla?p1=v1&p2=v2&p3=v3...)

Good luck.

On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 11:51 AM, infoSyS <> wrote:
> Thank you so much for your answer ! this clarified many things for me,
> I still have one more thing, if for this get request I need to specify some
> filtering for the search criteria, ex : not just get the names of all the
> employees and their company name and address, I should instead get the
> employees that are
> - older than 40 years,
> - lives in city X
> - works in company Y
> I don't want these three data to be included in the URI, for example, I
> don't want it to be like this :
>;.... etc
> I need to send these data in an xml file in the http get request, how could
> this be possible ?
> --
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Fabián Mandelbaum
IS Engineer


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