On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 2:44 PM, Alex Milowski <ale...@milowski.org> wrote:
> I was tracking down an out-of-memory error with my new Atomojo V2
> server project where I moved to 2.1.m7 and I found the solution quite
> disturbing.  I have a configuration where I call out to Google's
> ClientLogin and the code that did that had this code:
>      Client client = new
> Client(context.createChildContext(),service.getSchemeProtocol());

I am unable to reproduce this problem outside of my large server
application (Atomojo V2).  In my simple test case, I keep seeing log
entries like:
   "Stopping the HTTP Client".

which I do not see in my Atomojo V2 server log.  I suspect that the
client isn't being garbage collected.

Should developers allways call "stop()" on a client they instantiated
when they are done?

I did this in my test case and I see the memory consumption much more stable.

I changed the code to use the Client returned by getClientDispatcher()
but I'd like to understand how instantiated clients should be handled.

I still have a problem with the Client instance returned by
getContext().getClientDispatcher().  After a large number of request,
it eventually fails with a status code of 1001.  That usually has
meant some kind of exception deep in the code but I haven't been able
to track that down.  I am hoping to reproduce this in a much smaller
test case.

--Alex Milowski


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