Hi Tim,

ok, that I didn't know; I used Restlet before annotations come in.

best regards

Am 01.12.2011 19:03, schrieb Tim Peierls:
> On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 12:15 PM, Stephan Koops <stephan.ko...@web.de 
> <mailto:stephan.ko...@web.de>> wrote:
>     what I forgot in my last email:
>     In JAX-RS you are not required to call the serialisation /
>     deserialisation logic. You implement the MessageBodyReader/Writer,
>     give it to the ruintime environment, and they are called by the
>     JAX-RS runtime. In Restlet you have to check the media type the
>     client sent, decide which Deserialzer you have to use and call the
>     deserialization. The same at the end: Check the accepted media
>     types, decide and call the serialization. in JAX-RS you are not
>     required to care about that, because the runtime will do it.
> Not sure what you mean. The Restlet ConverterService handles 
> serialiation/deserialization. You can write resource handler methods 
> like this:
>     @Post public User addUser(User newUser) { ... }
> --tim


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