I'm looking for a way to set the socketTimeout parameter when using the OData 
extension.  I tried setting the parameter through the Client object obtained 
through the ClientResource:

        Client client = (Client) cr.getNext();
        client.setContext(new Context());
        client.getContext().getParameters().add("socketTimeout", "1");

by overriding org.restlet.ext.odata.Service.createResource(), but it seems the 
Service constructor has already created the Client instance in the constructor 
so this parameter has no effect.

I've also tried setting and modifying the current Context before even creating 
the Service instance:

        Context.setCurrent(new Context());
        Context.getCurrent().getParameters().add("socketTimeout", "1");

but that's not working either

Is there a way to do this without having to modify the 
org.restlet.ext.odata.Service constructor where I guess I would pass an 
appropriate Context object at the time of instantiation?




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