On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 05:48, Thierry Boileau
<thierry.boil...@noelios.com> wrote:
> I've made some tests using Restlet 2.0 and 2.1. From what I notice, in this
> case, the order is not significant.
> I get the "xhtml" representation instead of the "html" one in both cases :
> @Get(“html|xhtml”) and @Get(“xhtml|html”)
> Here is my explanation : "html" is a shortcut for "text/html" and "xhtml"
> stands for "application/xhtml+xml".
> When the client provides no preference, then the default one set on the
> MetadataService is applied : by default "application/octet-stream".
> The curent score algorithm gives a better affinity between
> "application/xhtml+xml" and "application/octet-stream" than between
> "text/html" and "application/octet-stream", because of "application/"... The
> scores are very low : 0.0006 and 0.0003 but the difference is real.
> Good news anyway, you can set the default media type of the application's
> MetadataService to a neutral one : "*/*" :
> getMetadataService().setDefaultMediaType(MediaType.ALL);
> In this case, the order is significant, once again.

Thanks Thierry, this is very very helpful, I appreciate you looking into this.

First: I suggest we make MediaType.ALL the default in 2.1 and 2.2.

Second: I’ve made this change in my application, and it seemed to work
at first — but it turns out that the behavior of my resource, when I
don’t send an Accept header, has become unpredictable.

I have these two methods in my resource class:

public Representation getHtml(Variant variant)


public Representation getJson()

now that I’ve made this change, most of the time when I run my app and
make a request for this resource without the Accept header, I get back
a response with the Content-Type being text/html, which is what I want
and expect. However, sometimes when I start my app and make the
request, I get back a JSON response.

This is of course not acceptable; I need the behavior of my app to be
predictable and consistent. Unfortunately I can’t give you statistics
on how often this occurs; my app takes a long time to start up. Off
the top of my head, it seems to be around 20% of the time.

Can you suggest any theories for why this might be happening, and some
possible ways to prevent this from happening?


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