Yes it could but you would you not end up having the overhead of context 
switching from the thrown thread interrupts? On a low resource device this 
can't be the best of situations I imagine. 

On 21 Jun 2012, at 00:16, Yan Zhou <> wrote:

> Any objections if the following is added as a new issue in the issue tracker?
> I am thinking that the selectKeys(sleepTime) call below really should be able 
> to return immediately (thread interrupted, for example) if there has been a 
> connection state change that needs attention. The sleepTime will then have 
> little effect on how soon or how often controlConnections() is run.
> Thanks,
> Yan Zhou
>> Hi,
>> We are noticing that an idling Restlet server has about 2MB of garbage 
>> collected in 30 seconds.
>> I think I tracked it down to the loop in ConnectionController that invokes 
>> the method below:
>>    @Override
>>    protected void doRun(long sleepTime) throws IOException {
>>        super.doRun(sleepTime);
>>        registerKeys();
>>        updateKeys();
>>        selectKeys(sleepTime);
>>        controlConnections();
>>    }
>> The sleepTime comes from the controllerSleepTimeMs parameter, which is 1 by 
>> default.
>> So if the loop generates 60 bytes of garbage (2 iterator objects), it'd lead 
>> to: 60 x 1000 x 30 = 1,800,000 bytes or 1.8MB every 30 seconds.
>> Can I ask if this is a known issue? And if there are workarounds?
>> I have already tried tweaking the controllerSleepTimeMs and changing it to 
>> something like 30000 (30 seconds). Every connection then takes up to 30 
>> seconds to close - probably not acceptable as a solution.
>> Additional info: Restlet 2.1 rc4 Android edition.
>> Thanks,
>> Yan Zhou
> ------------------------------------------------------


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