For anyone interested, here is the solution I've come up with.

Again, I am validating the XML documents in HTTP request entities against a W3C 
Schema that also contains embedded Schematron rules.  Notes:

*) In addition to the files referenced in the code, the Schematron skeleton file
   is also necessary (available in the same place as the other schematron 
*) I had to install SAXON, which, FYI, uses XSLT2
*) I am new to this.  No doubt there are better ways to do this.  I welcome and
   invite all feedback.

First some example content and then the working code below.

The following XML entity when PUT to my server should validate:


The following XML entity when PUT to my server should NOT validate because (1) 
the person is missing a first name and (2) because it is a male with a maiden 
name.  These rules will be enforced by Schematron.


The following XML entity when put to my server should NOT validate because the 
document element is not a person.  This will be enforced by a W33 Schema.

<invalid />

This is the schema file called schema/tron.xsd in my classpath.  It is a W3C 
Schema with Schematron annotations:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="";
  <xs:element name="person">
        <sch:pattern name="No men with maiden names">
          <sch:rule context="person[gender='male']">
            <sch:report test="maidenName">A person element with a gender 
element equal to male must not contain a maidenName sub-element</sch:report>
        <xs:element name="firstName" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0">
              <sch:pattern name="All persons must have first names">
                <sch:rule context="person">
                  <sch:assert test="firstName">All person elements must have a 
firstName element as a child.</sch:assert>
        </xs:element><!-- end of firstname -->
        <xs:element name="lastName" type="xs:token"/>
        <xs:element name="maidenName" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0"/>
        <xs:element name="gender">
            <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
              <xs:enumeration value="male"/>
              <xs:enumeration value="female"/>

This is my ServerResource subclass in a file called 

package org.mackler.resource;


public class InstanceResource extends org.mackler.resource.Base {

    public StringRepresentation put(DomRepresentation requestEntity) 
        throws IOException, SAXException, ResourceException, 
ParserConfigurationException {

        validate(requestEntity, "tron");

        return new StringRepresentation("\nyou validated this: \n"
                                       + requestEntity.getText()+"\n");

End of org/mackler/resource/

This is the base class that all my ServerResources that need to validate can
inherit from.  It's in a file called org/mackler/resource/

package org.mackler.resource;


public class Base extends ServerResource {  

    public void validate(DomRepresentation requestEntity, String schemaName)
        throws IOException,
               ParserConfigurationException {

        ClientResource xsdResource
            = new ClientResource(LocalReference.createClapReference("/schema/" 
+ schemaName +".xsd"));
        Representation xsd;

        /* Beginning of W3C Schema validation code */
        try {
            xsd = xsdResource.get();
        } catch (ResourceException e) {
                    throw new ResourceException(Status.SERVER_ERROR_INTERNAL,
                        "Error getting the W3C XML Schema: "
                        + xsdResource.getReference().toString(), e );

        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new 
                                        "Request entity failed validate against 
W3C Schema", e);
        /* End of W3C Schema validation code */

        /* Beginning of Schematron validation code */

        try {
            xsd = xsdResource.get();
        } catch (ResourceException e) {
            throw new ResourceException(Status.SERVER_ERROR_INTERNAL,
                "Error getting the Schematron-annotated XML Schema: "
                 + xsdResource.getReference().toString(), e );

        /* Schematron files are from here:

        ClientResource extractorResource
            = new 
        ClientResource svrlResource
            = new 

        Representation extractor;
        Representation svrl;

        try {
            extractor = extractorResource.get();
        } catch (ResourceException e) {
            throw new ResourceException(Status.SERVER_ERROR_INTERNAL,
                "Error getting the transformation stylesheet needed to extract 
Schematron rules: "
                + extractorResource.getReference().toString(), e );

        try {
            svrl = svrlResource.get();
        } catch (ResourceException e) {
            throw new ResourceException(Status.SERVER_ERROR_INTERNAL,
                "Error getting the Schematron implementation: "
                + " " + svrlResource.getReference().toString(), e );

        /* So far we have:
         *   xsd:       the user's W3C schema (containing the embedded 
schematron rules)
         *   extractor: xslt sheet to extracts schematron annotations from the 
W3C schema;
         *   svrl:      xslt implementation of the schematron validatior report 
         * For details on how these parts work together, see the
         * section labelled "Under the Hood" on

        // Extract the Schematron schema from the W3C Schema annotations:
        TransformRepresentation schematronRules
            = new TransformRepresentation(xsd, extractor);

        /* Apply svrl to schematronSchema
         * The context enables creation of the URI resolver that works
         * with CLAP, needed for SVRL to find the included the skeleton
         * Schematron implementation translation sheet in the
         * classpath */

        TransformRepresentation schematronSchema
            = new TransformRepresentation(getContext(), schematronRules, svrl);

        /* Validate the HTTP XML request entity */
        TransformRepresentation report =
            new TransformRepresentation(requestEntity, schematronSchema);

        // Do some DOM manipulation to find any errors in the Schematron report
        DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();

        DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
        Document document = documentBuilder.parse(report.getStream());
        NodeList nodeList = 
document.getElementsByTagNameNS("";, "text");

        if ( nodeList.getLength() > 0 ) {
            StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
            int i = 0;
            while (i < nodeList.getLength()) {
                message.append(( i==0 ? "" : "; ")
            throw new 
                  "Schematron validation failure: " + message.toString());


        /* End of Schematron validation code */




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