Is there a way to generate the URI to a resource from within another resource for an application?
For example, in the restlet tutorial we have the following bindings: -------------------------- // Attach the resources to the router router.attach("/users/{user}", UserResource.class); router.attach("/users/{user}/orders", OrdersResource.class); router.attach("/users/{user}/orders/{order}", OrderResource.class); -------------------------- Let's assume that I want a Users (plural) resource that provides summary data on users and provides URIs to UserResources. So, there'd be: router.attach("/users", UsersResource.class) In that class, when I return the collection of URIs to a particular User, do I have to build that URI manually (getting the base URI of the request and hardcoding "/users/" + username, etc? It seems like there should be a way to programmatically generate the URIs. Any pointers are welcomed. Thanks. ------------------------------------------------------