Thanks for your reply but this is what I have done. I have one ContactResource to fetch one contact and one ContactsResource to fetch all contacts.
But I have in the meanwhile found the solution. Here it is : @Override public synchronized Restlet createInboundRoot(){ List<Role> roles = new ArrayList<Role>(); roles.add(Scopes.toRole(ContactResource.API_URI)); roles.add(Scopes.toRole(ContactsResource.API_URI)); OAuthParameters p = new OAuthParameters("", "TWvcKjJPBxyJc0FeC9hW77mt", OAUTH_BASE, roles); p.setAuthorizePath("auth"); p.setAccessTokenPath("token"); OAuthProxy op = new OAuthProxy(p, getContext().createChildContext()); op.setNext(ContactsResource.class); OAuthProxy op1 = new OAuthProxy(p, getContext().createChildContext()); op1.setNext(ContactResource.class); Router root = new Router(getContext()); root.attach("/contactCallback", op1); root.attach("/contactsCallback", op); return root; } I have to create One OAuthProxy per resource and attach it to the route with the corresponding url. Hope this will help others Thierry LAU ------------------------------------------------------