I had to do System.exit(0) too to completely finish the thing, besides
shutting down Restlet components and possibly other services, else Restlet
itself is shut down, but the JVM that fired the app is not.

I'm using Apache's Commons Daemon to 'daemonize' the application, and in
the latest versions I've removed this feature, and use the script's 'stop'
to stop the service cleanly.

Indeed, like Tim said, a POST is better than a PUT.

On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 3:25 PM, Tim Peierls <t...@peierls.net> wrote:

> You can call Component.stop() asynchronously with a delay, so that the PUT
> handler has a chance to complete. (Although I think POST captures the
> intent better: You're POSTing a request to shut down the component.)
> It could be as simple as this:
> @Post
> public String postShutdown(final String shutdownMessage) {
>     Runnable task = new Runnable() {
>         public void run() {
>             try {
>                 TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(5);
>             } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
>                 log.warn("Swallowing interruption in order to shut down");
>             } finally {
>                 log.info("Shutting down with message: " +
> shutdownMessage);
>                 theComponent.stop(); // and whatever other cleanup is
> needed
>             }
>         }
>     };
>     new Thread(task).start();
>     return "Shutdown request posted; will shut down in 5 seconds";
> }
> --tim
> On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 1:15 PM, Sean Johnston 
> <sha...@conical-effort.net>wrote:
>> I've a standalone application that I'm trying to implement a shutdown
>> for. Initially I had this as a very simple Socket listen. However, wanting
>> to put a more proper API in place I'm looking at REST and RESTlet is
>> looking good.
>> I've got it mostly working. That is, I have something that handles
>> authentication and responds to a PUT request on http://host:port/shutdown.
>> However, whilst this shuts down the various bits of my application, it
>> doesn't shut down the REST server itself so the JVM keeps on running.
>> I tried calling #stop on the Application but that doesn't seem to do
>> anything. I can get it to terminate by calling stop on the top level
>> Component, but that doesn't exit gracefully as the originating PUT handler
>> throws exceptions.
>> Is there a way to gracefully shut everything down in response to a PUT
>> request?
>> --
>> Sean - Its a conical sort of effort

Fabián Mandelbaum
IS Engineer


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