Thanks Doug. I look forward to seeing your rig at the faire. Right now I have 
some concerns on the type of batteries we currently have (lith ion), the value 
of  things like fab work (do we have to count time toward the budget if the 
work is gatis), and the use of and value of homemade brush less motors (if we 
even go that route). 

But for the membership I ask this. Does anyone have a Chevy Silverado or an 
Ford f150 power wheels they are willing to donate? If not I would ask if we 
could re purpose the seemingly defunct Pottery Kiln donations of around $70 to 
go and purchase a used truck off of craigslist? This would net us a truck to 
use as a base. But honestly we only need the body. This is not a proposal, I 
will bring it up at the next meeting and make it a formal discussion. 

One other concern is making this too good. There is a clause in the rules 
stating if a majority of the other teams feel you went over budget or are 
technically cheating, the racing series will offer $500 cash to buy your 
vehicle out from under you. You can deny this but it will result in 
disqualification of that round. I don't want to spend hours and hours of our 
time building this with it falling in under budget, but not being able to use 
it because other teams feel we went over cost. 

I will be sending off an email next week to the racing series with these 
questions, so if any of you have concerns please read the rules at:
And get back to me with any questions or ideas you have. I would really like to 
make this a group effort, as we all have something to contribute. 

This looks to be a fun and interesting project

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