こんにちは, hakkers!

I've noticed that there was a meeting on 2013-11-12 and that the minutes are 
posted. They are visible on the web at 
https://synhak.org/wiki/Meetings/2013-11-12. I've also included them in this 
mail for reading at your leisure:

|venue=21 West North

= Agenda =

* '''Note Taker:''' Torrie Fischer
* '''Moderator:''' Omar Rassi

== Introduction and Names ==
* Alex - IT Support
* Nick - Helps startups start up
* Torrie - Makes Robots
* Toby - Finite element analyst
* Jack - Retired appliance design engineer
** Akron Beacon Journal on the 28th
* Kirby - Shop Teacher
* Devin - Drags in tractors
* Craig - Dumps hot coffee on unsuspecting mice
* Matt - Makes software
* Mike - Tech Support
** A friend of mine is in a Minnesota hackerspace
* Tim - Coaches CVCA's robotics team
* Chris - Knows lots of microsoft TLAs
* Becca - Makes Cake
* Steve - Things
* Omar - Chases children (his own)

== Announcements ==
* Devin sez: There may or may not be a tractor or two and a van and some more 
stuff. Its for the power wheels racing series.
** The van cab needs shortened, so we'll have a fiberglass class!
* Torrie talks about CanHax in Canton, OH
* Torrie talks about the search for a space
** G enters and talks about the AGBA working towards meeting our needs
* G also got some wood glue
* Chris sez: Tomorrow at 7 pm: Power Racing series car(s) meeting. If you want 
in, can contribute somehow or want to help out, come!
** Devin adds: They score us on Moxie and style points. If you're crafty and/or 
creative, also come along
** Two cars are currently in the works
* Nick adds: He's insanely trying to put together a Startup Weekend for the end 
of January.
** Startup Weekend is a mini tech event that goes on a weekend. 50-100 people 
come, split into teams, come up with a business idea and build it over the 
** The idea is to have a real company at the end of it
** Free food, speakers, all for the price of a ticket
** It is still in the planning phase. A venue is being selected.
** (Chants of akron)
* Torrie points out the new Rack for selling things
* Speaker's Bureau classes:
** Wednesday, the 20th, 8pm: OpenSCAD for 3d Printers with Torrie
** December 5th, 8pm: Shop Safety with Devin
** December 19th, 8pm: First Aid with Omar

== Membership ==
* No new applications

== Financial Report ==
* Funds in bank: $3460.72
* 9 members that have not paid November dues. Please contact 
treasu...@synhak.org, or Torrie/Chris to pay in person

== Proposals ==

* Alex wants a key:
** To help open/close the space to people who need to access it when others 
** At last weeks discussion, he mentioned he can cover for hours if needed and 
** Chris asks: How far from the space do you live?
*** About 15 minutes away. I'll add my contact info to the low-tech contact list
** '''Approved'''

== Discussion Items ==

* Andy found that we don't have a privacy policy last week or so, so he wrote 
one at [[SYNHAK:Privacy policy]] on the wiki.
** Omar asks: What do we want?
** Torrie adds: The bylaws state that the secretary is the ultimate record 
keeper and privacy officer of member records, but we don't have something to 
protect guest records, such as mailing list signups
** Omar asks if the site uses cookies
** Torrie re-reads it and discovers that "Aggregate cookie and tracking 
information may be shared with third parties"
** Omar adds: Information should be kept confidential unless you say its ok to 
put it out there or if law enforcement warrants it.
** Chris sez: We use google analytics on the site. We need to make sure any 
privacy policy we write also includes relevant wording.
*** Theres probably some kind of resource center from google for that
** Torrie talks about first figuring out what information we collect
*** She steps up and offers to figure out all the information we collected
** She also extolls the benefits of using google analytics to figure out what 
wiki pages we need, what wiki users are looking for, etc.
** Whats the policy for the webcam?
*** Torrie adds: If you're worried about being on the webcam, then you should 
remember that we're a public space that anyone can walk into.
** We should make it clear that if you're on the mailing list, it is public and 
archived in public view
* Omar talks about open hours:
** Torrie sent a mail to discuss@ some time ago
** Devin added on the list: Maybe have a two week schedule that people can sign 
up for
** Omar adds: If we don't have regular hours, people won't want to check the 
website to see when we're open
*** Also, if you've got to skip hours, you can check the low-tech contact list 
for someone to cover. Omar is usually happy to do so, he's got "throw the kids 
into the van and run down" down to an art.
** Torrie is going to fix the twatter thing tonight so it updates properly
** Devin adds: If you do hours every week, thats great. If you want to 
volunteer hours, there should be a signup sheet
*** Torrie adds that she's got access to the google calendar, so if you want to 
be added, let her know your e-mail address or just plain contact someone who 
** Devin adds: Can we get the google phone working again?
*** Torrie sez that the Google Voice number actually works and she gets called 
on it a few times a month, usually while at home
** Torrie will add herself and Alex as Maintainer for the google calendar
* Omar brings up: CompTIA has an academic partner signup page
** One tier that is free
** Is that something we want SYNHAK to offer: Being an academic partner to 
provide A+ teaching materials and such
** Devin queries: "What the heck is that?"
*** Omar answers: A certification that shows you can troubleshoot lots of 
hardware issues. Useful for gainful employment.
** We can also become a testing center.
** Omar is going to get in contact with CompTIA to figure out what their 
partners need.
*** Hopefully we can have a local course offered here in the future for cheaper 
than what a university or other organization would charge
** (Discussion about what kinds of income for SYNHAK is tax exempt for 501(c)3)
* Possibility of a senior discount: $25/mo if you have a Golden Buckeye Card
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