Hello all,
I would like voice my concerns about the discussion on donations to the space. 
I feel like in the process of growing we have lost sight of the mission of 
We want to teach, learn, and make. All of these are interconnected. I feel the 
discussions are driven more by what people want for themselves rather than what
Is best for SYN/HAK as a nonprofit community workshop. Lately we have seen some
outstanding and generally unseen generosity ranging from stacks of computers to
people delving into their own pockets far more than should be needed. We have 
some great things here. And others are willing to support it. 

With all that I don't believe the space can exist in its current state if 
its a mad free-for-all to take personal advantage of others generosity.
Without the space, these donations would have possibly ended up 
stored in basements, attics, or sent to the land fill. By stripping 
SYN/HAK of its ability to use what is donated to SYN/HAK we are
paving the way to failure. 

I feel the default should be donations are to SYN/HAK and its 
infrastructure first and foremost unless obviously stated.  
SYN/HAK can then use it as it see fit. Improve the space for
The benefit of all, sell the items to raise funds for the space,
or give it away to members and non members alike. 

Currently the view is donations are free to all unless stated 
for SYN/HAK use only. I feel this is the wrong way to keep
the awesome thing we have alive.    

That being said I propose this: 

All donations are for SYN/HAK Inc. by default.
If the donatee wishes it the be freely hacked by members and 
non members alike, it must be stated.
If SYN/HAK maintainers do not see a need they can choose
to put the item up for sale, donate it to another hackerspace, or
give it to anyone in or outside the space. 

This gives SYN/HAK the ability to continue on its mission. 
These are just my opinions on these matters as a SYN/HAK
member in good standing, maintainer, board member, and 
">From the beginning" SYN/HAKer.

Thanks for your time

Devin Wolfe.

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