こんにちは, hakkers!

I've noticed that there was a meeting on 2014-01-07 and that the minutes are 
posted. They are visible on the web at 
https://synhak.org/wiki/Meetings/2014-1-7. I've also included them in this mail 
for reading at your leisure:

|venue=21 West North

= Agenda =

* '''Note Taker:''' Andrew
* '''Moderator:''' Omar

== Introduction and Names ==

* Round of introductions
** What is your name?
** What do you do?
** If this is your first time, how did you hear about SYNHAK?

* Dennis Onderak
** Electrical engineer
** President of USA Robotics
*** Met us at mini-Makerfaire, made a new years resolution to come to a meeting 
and eventually become a member
* Andy - Does the cold
* Mike - Physicist
* Driel - Hair dresser
** Refered to us by her brother Chris
* Matt - attempts to superconduct
* Chris - Still an auto-mechanic and came to get voted in
* Alex - Stands on foam to keep toes movable
* Andrew - type things, and yeah
* Torrie - visits hackerspaces and gets on Hackaday.com for writing python 
g-code key cutting script
* Omar - smooth moderater moderating correctly
* Jimmy - Hides in the back and gets forgotten :(
** Personal software projects

== Announcements ==

* February Elections for officers and champions will commence. Nominations are 
* Officially moving to 48 S. Summit between Akron Art space and Quakersquare
** don't just walk in, the sign is lying.
** Things are being done and you may get dusty or painty
** The space has a lot of potential, but still needs TLC
** Move in day 01/18/14
*** projected 5hr hackerspace migration from 21 W. North to 48 S. Summit
* Some treasurer issues have been resolved
** financial report sent to mailing list
** important paperwork in Torrie's possesion
** Reports of our demise are greatly exxagerated
* Chris shot boiling water from a super-soaker
** turned to snow last night
* Torrie was at Office space co-working
** OSC tech-lab above house of hunan has just opened and you are encouraged to 
stop buy

== Membership ==
* Read off any names open for application
* Anyone eligible should:
** Introduce yourself
** Answer any questions
** Leave the area
* Members present should reach consensus on whether or not they join
* Applicants may return

* Chris Neer - Because I enjoy making things and helping others and I can do 
both here in good company 
** Has a honda civic hybrid motor and wants to put it in a bike/kart
*** Hoping to get help on the ESC 144V
** Generally is mechanically inclined and studying  computer science and 
* Why'd you choose that field
** I don't want to work as an automechanic anymore , return to my roots with 
* What makes you happy
** OMar gets mad his question is stolen
** Different things, helping people, doing good deeds, solving problems
* Do you have a favorite 3D program autocad, sketch-up, blender?
** I know autocad but it could be fun to expand my knowledge
* What could you contribute to the Synhak community
** time, mechanical knowledge
* Favorite project that your found rewarding?
** Building my last computer
* what'd you put in it[the computer]
* What do you most want to learn?
** software and programming
*** what's your end goal in programming
**** I don't have one yet, just explore
* voting commences and airing of grievences
* Torrie: Chris has been here for a number of weeks(months?) 
** Gets stuff done, overlaps skills with Devin. 
* Questions about whether discussion is s'posed to be here
* Alex give positive feedback

Chris's membership status: Approved
SynHak membership: 21, 2 pending

== Financial Report ==
* Funds in bank: 2785.95 in combined accounts
** Less than 1029 in uncollected dues
*** The Dues Fairy will be visiting you 
* 8259.99 in $, things, 
* 2785 in Liabilities
* More details available in financial report compiled by the acting treasurer
* March information missing, BFG will clarify

== Proposals ==

* Beth Munyan - wants a key to: assist in open hours, and work on young 
aristotles, aid in maintaining donations
** Motion carries
** on receipt of $25 keys will be dispensed
* Torrie wants to raise base member dues to $40/month to increase funds to 
** Really up to board but community input can sway votes
** More $$ == more tools and better looking space
** Potential for funding personal projects or subsidize improvements to the 
*** Other communities do this and it'd be cool
** Torrie will produce a budget to describe her vision and justify the added 

== Discussion Items ==

* If member dues could be increased even by $5/month our income greatly 
** Spiff dues payment has been made a bit more friendly.
** Auto-payment implemented
** Will be deployed by opening day
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