こんにちは, hakkers!

I've noticed that there was a meeting on 2014-01-21 and that the minutes are 
posted. They are visible on the web at 
https://synhak.org/wiki/Meetings/2014-1-21. I've also included them in this 
mail for reading at your leisure:

|venue=48 South Summit

= Agenda =

* '''Note Taker:''' Chris Egeland
* '''Moderator:''' Devin Wolfe

== Introduction and Names ==

* Torrie - Makes robots
* John - Stuff
* Omar - Spiderman does whatever a spider can
* Joel - Stuff^2
** Found us through the website, found the website through the Google
* Steve^4 - Wears Minecraft shirts
* Becca - Makes large-headed offspring
* Alex - IT Specialist
* Chris - Mechanic who fixes things, appreciates heat
* Andrew - Is excited that we went from zero furnaces to two
* Craig - Proudly lies to exes
* Mike - Is a tech support.  Will break something.
* Matt - Stuff software stuff stuffs stuffingly stuffington
* Chris - Typing McTyperson
* Devin - Moderates
* Andy - Arrives late with car trouble

== Announcements ==

* Any cool new projects? Something you want everyone to know?
* Any happenings that people should be aware of?

** Devin found this space and was totally awesome
** We built a bunch of stuff, still need to do stuff
** Lots of stuff was wrapped up over te pas
** March 1 opening day
** Lots of work
** Still stuff to move
** It's great,awesome, clap clap clap yay
* We have HDDs for notebooks
** 2GB flash storage SATA drives
* Kevlar has a new HDD incoming
* Massive surplus of laptop and computer parts to close budget gaps
** Our calendar is on there
** DAP sends emails to lots of people.  With our calendar and events
** We are integrated into downtown akron already woot
* G has secured us a donation from Sherwin Williams of a certain amount.
** Awesome discounts
* Reminder: We are under a triple net lease.  We are responsible for rent, 
utilities, and maintenance.
* Devin goes trough and
** Lighting
** Outlets
** Reworked outlets
** Insulated the garage door (at least visually)
** Pulled poop out of sinks
** Roof repair
*** Freezing Devin's butt off results in significantly less waterfalls in the 
* Devin is meeting with the electrician from the old space. We will be paying 
him on a payment plan.

== Membership ==
* Read off any names open for application
* Anyone eligible should:
** Introduce yourself
** Answer any questions
** Leave the area
* Members present should reach consensus on whether or not they join
* Applicants may return

* Becca Salchak
** I love the concept of SYNHAK and I have been in love with it since my first 
visit. I want to contribute to its growth & continue to learn & make new 
things.... oh and also '''CUPCAKES'''!
** Sponsored by Steve Radonich and Torrie Fischer
** Interview to happen 1/28/2014
** Bribery with cupcakes

* Chris Neer is applying for a key.
** "SYNHAK is not always open during the time I have available.  I am sure tis 
is the case for many others.  So, I would like a key sothat synhak could be 
open more often."

* Mike Griesacker has applied for a key.
** "See above.  Also, I could have opened the space on Sunday if I had a key.  
And stuff indeed."
** Result: Yes, you get a key.

== Financial Report ==
* Funds in bank: ~$2100???

== Proposals ==

* None.

== Discussion Items ==

* Wall tearout discussion
** Recap: Blue room ( front half) somesort of office or room or closet or 
something.  Has closet space,cabinets, two outlets, HVAC vent, light. There are 
also previously another wall that is now gone.  Torrie tore down the wall that 
isn't there anymore.  Torrie talked about lots of work that was being done or 
was done.  Everything she worked on was cleaned up as she worked.  Threw some 
stuff out, saved some stuff.  Took a break after a day or two of work.  Talked 
many times about wanting to take the wall down and put a welcome bar there.  
She started taking trim out, it became an issue, unexcellence occurred.
** Omar: I started the discussion.  Some people are for, some are against.  
Major change to the space.  People need to speak up if they have an opinion one 
way or the other on the subject.  Do-ocracy is wonderful, we've gotten lots of 
stuff out of it, but we need togive the membersip a chance to decide if we want 
someting togetjer as a hackerspace.
** Torrie: This is her interpretation of do-ocracy.  She talked about it, 
people didn't seem terribly interested.  So she tore into the wall.  She is 
accepting full responsibility for the project.  If she starts the project, she 
will finish it.  Discussion about whether to put an office or welcome bar.  If 
someone wanted to turn it into an office, server closet, etc, then start doing 
something, even put a do not hack sticker on the room.
** Devin shows where the wall in question is.
** Becca: She liked the closet.  People show up with coats they don't want to 
get dirty.  Hacker resident could live in closet.  She is OK to remove the 
closet as long as some sort of other closet is made.  Fancy coats need 
** Running joke about a coat rack
** Mike: Some of the original conversations about tearing down the original 
wall were not heard by all members.  Even by people that were on-site.  The 
original wall project is still not totally done, vent sticking out of floor
** Torrie:  Someone had volunteered to fix the vent in the floor, so she 
stopped being involved with the project.
** Steve: Other priorities like organizing and setting everyting up by March 1.
** Devin:  Keep it, because it is the only quiet sectioned off area.  All other 
areas are going to be loud and obnoxious and impossible to sit down and work in 
quiet.  We should have an office so the treasurer, secretary, etc can handle 
bizops necessary stuff.
** Torrie:  Doesn't feel like the office is a suitable use for that room.  
Previous treasurer wanted a quiet room to work.  Old space used to have a room 
for office purposes, was converted to member storage.
** Becca:  Let's not touch it for a little bit, 3 months or so, if no one uses 
it, tear it down.
** Omar:  Did set up an office machine.  No one used it.  Office isn't exactly 
necessary at this point.  A space to keep documents secure can be achieved by a 
file cabinet bolted to the floor.  The goal of the office can be achieved 
without the four walls of the office.
** Mike:  Disagrees that we will have quiet space without some sort of 
sectioned off space.  Ok to MOVE the office, but not eliminate it.
** Torrie:  Also agrees that we need a quiet space.  References Noisebridge's 
floorplan.  Their machine shop is in its own little wall.  Was doing a bunch of 
noisy work, immediately next to an area that is a quiet space.  Sound was 
adequately insulated between the areas.  Our front room is tiny, can't be 
adequately used as a work space.
** Omar:  Didn't mean we don't need a quiet place, we just don't need an office 
space at this very moment.
** Devin:  We are renting this location, we need to have an office.  If we 
destroy the office, we will be charged if we do not replace the office at the 
end of our lease.  Industrial space is required to have an office.
** Andy: Agrees with Andrew and Steve, let's wait until we're settled in.
** Torrie:  Doesn't understand the requirement to have an office from the 
landlord.  We don't run like a business, why do we have to have an office?
** Chris, Torrie, Devin, Andy, Omar:  What constitutes an office and why is 
there a requirement that one be there?
** Torrie: Done with the room, not gonna touch it.  If someone wants to do 
something with that room
* Torrie:  Mind if we build a bikeshed? Almost serious.
** Explanation of the bikeshed joke.
* Let's make
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