I would HIGHLY recommend NOT self catering food for a fundraiser. Getting a
donation/charity discount is a MUCH safer option.

On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 9:46 AM, Bethany Munyan <beth.mun...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Why is someone taking over Young Aristotles?
> On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 8:26 AM, Phong <ph...@synhak.org> wrote:
>> Ni hao, hakkers!
>> I've noticed that there was a meeting on 2014-01-28 and that the minutes
>> are posted. They are visible on the web at
>> https://synhak.org/wiki/Meetings/2014-1-28. I've also included them in
>> this mail for reading at your leisure:
>> {{Infobox_meeting
>> |time=7PM
>> |date=2014-01-28
>> |venue=48 South Summit
>> |next=Meetings/2014-2-4
>> |previous=Meetings/2014-1-21
>> }}
>> = Agenda =
>> * '''Note Taker:''' Chris Egeland
>> * '''Moderator:''' Torrie Fischer
>> == Introduction and Names ==
>> * Torrie Fischer - Makes robot companies
>> * Chris Egeland - I troubleshoot ARP storms
>> * Becca The Awesomeness (So Be It) - Makes Cakes
>> * Andrew - Gets snow days
>> * Matt - Fixes computers for people who can't afford to have their
>> computers fixed
>> * Andy - Leads
>> * Devin - Turns on projectors with rakes and fixes things
>> * Alex - Is rude and crude
>> * Chris - May or may not have found a solution to his problem
>> * Tim - Building a whiskey bottle filling machine
>> * Mike - Shut no shut
>> * John - Folds paper
>> ** Heard about us online with reddit
>> == Announcements ==
>> * Devin is helping Louisville start a makerspace.  30' racecar trailer
>> filled with machines.  Laser cutter, 2 3d printers, etc.
>> * BEcca has started formulating ideas for a silent auction.  Needs
>> committee members.  Not a traditional committee, interweb committee.  I
>> like the word committee.  Needs 4-6 months to gather donations and whatnot.
>>  Wants to get breweries to donate BEER for free so people bid more.  Need
>> to get cheap fingerfoods from GFS.  Need an email list.
>> * Matt is going to take over Little Aristotles and rename it Lil'
>> Archimedes should a vacancy in that office occur.
>> * Tim is going to try to get a robotics club in here around March
>> * FirstEnergy account moved to our name as of Jan 31. $78 deposit
>> * Torrie started a work order to get TWC moved over here.  $125.  Not
>> scheduled yet.
>> * Gas through Dominion is in our name.  Needed a $238 deposit.
>> * Water, we need to do that.  Chris will handle on Friday if he takes the
>> day off.
>> * Buildout update: Not much has happened.  Need to clean, pressure wash,
>> paint, etc.  Waiting on primer to show up.
>> * Paint has showed up.
>> * Back bathroom has a sink, not hooked up yet.
>> * Discussion about floorplan of a 4000 sqft bikeshed
>> * Back lights need bulbs.  We'll buy them next month.
>> * March 1, open house.  We need to get this done soon.
>> * We NEED to go to 21 and rip out electrical.
>> ** Friday is our deadline.
>> * Keyholders of the old space need to turn in keys bu Thursday.  If you
>> don't, you'll get a stern talking to.
>> * Torrie got the go-ahead from her daytime employer to start working
>> part-time on her robotics company Phong Robotics.  Talk to her if you know
>> robotics, sensor networks, python, etc.
>> == Membership ==
>> * Becca Salchak - reasons, oh cupcakes.  BRIBERY!
>> ** Chris - What makes you happy?
>> *** Other than spending time with her ridiculously geeky family,
>> crafting, baking, anything Tolkien related.  Or Shakespeare related
>> ** Devin - What is the poison in the cupcakes?
>> *** Hemlock
>> ** Andrew - Cupcakes you're the most proud of?
>> ***  I like anything I put my peanut butter cream on.  I'm working on a
>> mountain dew recipe.
>> ** Andy: Ever put fireworks into cupcake concoctions?
>> *** Not yet.
>> ** Mike: What speech would you give for speakers bureau?
>> ***  Probably something to do with baking because that's what I do my
>> entire life.
>> ** Matt: WHo makes good curry?
>> *** You, pompous asshole.
>> ** Alex: Favorite ice cream?
>> *** Ben and Jerry's Late NIght Snack
>> ** Devin: How can you benefit the snack?
>> *** I'm planning a silent auction to bring money to the space
>> ** Alex: How can the space benefit you?
>> *** Unexcellence redacted.  It gives me a space to work on that I don't
>> have room to work on at home.
>> ** Craig: Dog or cat?
>> *** Cat.  I was a dog person, but I despise my own dogs.
>> ** '''APPROVED'''
>> * Chris Neer has applied for a key.
>> ** "SYN/HAK is not always open during the time I have available.  I am
>> sure this is the case for many others. So I would like a key so that
>> SYN/HAK could be open more often."
>> ** '''APPROVED'''
>> == Financial Report ==
>> * Funds in bank:
>> ** $2543.25 in checking
>> ** $400.37 in savings
>> ** $158.60 in cash
>> ** Current estimates are still on track for us to have a $300 loss this
>> month.  Polar vortex sucks.
>> ** $5801.04 assets
>> ** $2746.71 in liabilities
>> ** Electrician deal: We paid $1000, we owe $1000.  He gave us a $265
>> discount as a charitable donation.
>> *** Donating a NEC2013 book.
>> == Proposals ==
>> * None
>> == Discussion Items ==
>> * Chris is ordering trash service tomorrow.
>> ** Torrie is trying to get in touch with the Akron Bar Association.
>> * Omar? Where can people send physical things?
>> ** 12 E. Exchange St., Akron OH 44308 c/o SYN/HAK
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