Namaste, hakkers!

I've noticed that there was a meeting on 2014-02-18 and that the minutes are 
posted. They are visible on the web at I've also included them in this 
mail for reading at your leisure:

|venue=48 South Summit

= Agenda =

* '''Note Taker:''' Torrie Fischer/Steve/Omar
* '''Moderator:''' Chris Egeland

== Introduction and Names ==

* Chris - Admins systems, runs elections
* Andy - Gets more paint on himself than the walls
* Also Chris - Helps paint Andy
* Justin - Moves things to and fro
* Anna-jeannine - A great speller
* Devin - Doesn't answer questions
* Jimmy - Applies for membership
* Craig - Clicks cookies
* Torrie - Finds people to run bakeries
* Alex - Does IT
* Steve - Failing porting chrome to powerpc
* Becca - Makes vanilla cupcakes with Gnutella icing
* Omar - Prints diplomas
* Patnode - Consumes sweets

== Announcements ==

* Chris sez: Elections are next week
** A bunch of people currently nominated
** Elections are immediately following next weeks' meeting, Feb 25th
** Midnight tonight is when nominations close
** (Chris gives an overview of the various positions in the bylaws)
** There is a wiki page, [[2014 Election]]
** Andy accepts his nomination on the spot
* Torrie sez: Spiff and ansible were updated
* Justin sez: There are a bunch of black end tables for the taking
* Becca has brought companion cube coookies!
* Devin sez: Walls in the back half are painted!
** More plumbing and drainage repairs
** We've got a week and a half 'till opening day
** It'd be super nice to get it done before the 2pm soft opening this Saturday
** More painting, more lights, more organizing
* Patnode sez: Front bathroom is 90% finished, back bathroom will be finished 
before the weekend. Mike is handling the sink, Patnode is handling the painting
* Craig sez: Palm room has electrical! And networking! All that is left is a 
stove outlet and sink plumbing
* Alex sez: Go to to vote for his presentation proposal

== Membership ==
* None, but Jimmy is waiting for Andrew to get in touch

== Financial Report ==
* Funds in bank:
** Liabilities: $2318.92
** Assets: $5360.34
** A/Receivable: $1522.32
** A/Payable: $1927.36
** Operations budget: $56.56
** Buildout budget: $100

== Proposals ==

* Omar's proposal to sell stuff was accepted. Check discuss@ for the full 

== Discussion Items ==

* Devin brings up the $156 expense budget
** Craig has a wiki page up
** Agreement that we need the whiter bulbs
* Torrie says that proposals should be sent to the list in their final text 
before being agreed upon
** if you want to be active, 2 points, be on the discuss list, and come to 
** the reason for a week to wait, something comes up during the meeting that 
those on the list who may have missed can still discuss and contribute despite 
a lack of physical presence.
** Justin: Concerned that the week wait can hold proposals from being acted on.
** Steve: One word changes can hold up proposals
** Torrie: Whats the alternative? Is it acceptable to have changes one minute 
before the meeting?
** Justin: Membership can be smarter than the average slider
** Torrie: Concern is that too much flexibility can detract from the intent of 
the proposal systems
** Chris: How much change warrants waiting a week?
*** While the waiting period can be restrictive but imagine if a change occurs 
that people not present don't actually want.
** Devin: What this eliminates is miscommunication, if you don't have the 
wording ready to go then you don't have a proper proposal. 
** Chris: If you make a minor change then it's ok to pass it, but if it's a 
major change then it should be waited on
** Torrie: No one is explaining what a little change is, should have the whole 
full text of what is agreed upon. 
** Justin: Sees the point of subjectivity, but it is part of the duty of the 
membership that it need to remain true to what the topic is. Intention of this 
rule is to allow members not present at a previous meeting that certain 
proposals are coming up to vote/discussion. 
** Omar: Gets that idea of self regulations, probably some way to allow it to 
happen while still moving forward. i.e. proposal in discussion for some weeks, 
majority are on board, down to 90% wording, just minor changes that can hold it 
up for a while. What if a minimum of 3-4 weeks each weeks it's been changed, 
once limit is reached it can be decided if it can be voted on as it, but at 
same time proposal to change it later. 
** Ajnine: A lot seem to want to move forward with a proposal thats been in 
discussion for several weeks, approved the version that is unquestionably able 
to be voted, over the next 7 days it can be worked as written, until a change 
is voted upon. 
** Torrie: Already passed a proposal that is going to be changed, no reason 
can't pass a proposal and can't be changed later. Will add a proposal to the 
** Andy: What we just did with Omar's proposal was in line with the current 
rules until changed. 
** Torrie: Not trying to stop anything
** Justin: Propose the screen facing the south-east corners. Would help with 
viewing, pole in the way, and the screen is retractable so no interfering with 
** Torrie: Let's not propose everything, or it will take forever. Just ask 
before doing it.
** Justin: If one is concerned about a little word change, then the idea of 
do-ocracy goes in the face of that.
** Torrie: Feels different about the issue. 2 ways to do stuff, do-ocracy or 
proposal. Proposals are no rules/procedures that the membership as a whole will 
go with. Do-ocracy moving stuff around/changing things, as they can be 
** Jimmy: What prevents a person from doing all minor changes in Do-ocracy?
** Torrie: First ask if it's going to be excellent before doing it.
** Steve adds: What about the wall that we're all so passionate about?
** Jimmy: (something about the wall)
** Craig sez: We have a voicemail system. Who wants to check it?
** Torrie explains the concept of a '311' line and a voice menu system
** Omar adds: If someone is calling for business related stuff, 
secretary/treasurer/etc should be able to access the mails
** Torrie adds that doocracy allows anyone to move servers, disconnect things, 
etc. If we have a voicemail inbox, it should be available to anyone who has the 
password. If you're using SYNHAK infrastructure for business purposes, you're 
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