Howdy, hakkers!

I've noticed that there was a meeting on 2014-04-01 and that the minutes are 
posted. They are visible on the web at I've also included them in this mail 
for reading at your leisure:

|venue=48 South Summit

* '''Note Taker:''' Craig
* '''Moderator:''' Torrie

== Introduction and Names ==
*Chris – Swipe swipieees
*Andrew – Send emails to people who want to be members
*Phillip – Just came for the root beer
*Chris – acquired a new battery pack
*Martha – wants a workbench
*Alex – Found out getting a new mattress is completely overrated
*Matt – Fix legacy code
*Dave – videographer
*Craig –Takes pills to promote note-taking
*Torrie – Prototype circuits
*Devin – is NOT a beer fairy
*Mike – Fixes cielings

== Announcements ==
*Phillip – another makerfaire in Kent on the 24th (Thursday 12-4) at the KSU 
Library, Is looking for support
*Alex – 
**Notacon happening in two weeks, 
**April 9th at 8pm is the mesh networking talk here at SynHak
**April 23rd – Shop safety with Devin

*Mike - No longer gaping hole in the ceiling of the craft room
*Torrie – Cleveland minimakerfaire was last weekend, learned we need better 
*Also that weekend, space cleanup, documented on te build list
*Chris – Champions now have official mailing list, for anyone to sent items to: 
*Chris – Electric moped!, still need spokes

== Membership ==
*Robert Rybicki
*Matt Winger
*Matthew Stevic

None are present tonight, They will be contacted

== Financial Report ==
Dues are Due, only 4 or 5 have paid for April
*Assets: 18729.62
*Liabilities: 2866.26
*Rent is paid for the month
*Devin – automated billing emails?  
*Torrie - There on the way, but currently down

== Proposals ==
*Phillip wants a key:
**Why? To open the building and monitor Friday nights/ never stand out in the 
cold again / Access to a bathroom in Akron
***Alex – Give him a key
***Mike – Are you going to rob us?  
****No I will not take the furnace
***Alex – you want Friday’s as open hours?

6pm to 10pm Phillip will be here to open the space Fridays from now on (for the 
foreseeable future)


*Devin – about requiring a 2nd/2nd for proposals

&attatch copy of formal wording

*You now require two members in good standing to 2nd your proposal before 
bringing to the floor.
*Dave – Can we make this start today?
**It is effective immediately, and not retroactive.
*Mike - How do we address a proposal on the floor that may not have enough 
*Andrew – Dangerous to start retroactively changing things
*Mike – If we put that barrier back to make things more reasonable, or a 
proposal to be able to cancel proposals
*Devin – agrees with 2nd, proposal to redact, until then we can always just 
block it
*Alex – agrees, no retroactivity, If we want to add on to this in the future we 
can bring up a new proposal.
*Devin – Likes it as is, doesn't want to drag this on another week.
*Mike – Should we make another proposal for next week to add to an additive 
proposal making things retroactive
*Mike – agrees to step aside and come back to it in another meeting

*Alex – Are the proposals from last week still valid/open?

*Chris – Associate membership?  Can this be removed from the proposals page?
**Torrie – I will do

'''Funding & Building walls:'''
Needs consensed floor plan & a BOM

*Andy – The $3k to make the walls proposal, where did those numbers come from?
*Torrie – home depots website and estimating
*Andy – My estimate is around $4,600
*Andrew – What’s relevant fire code?
*Dave - The Ohio building code states fire suppression drywall is needed. 
**citation requested
*Becca – even if not required don’t we want it anyway?
*Andy – The person at home depot suggested these (fireproof doors), and there 
is possibility of getting parts cheaper via contractors.  *Habitat for Humanity 
is another possibility
*Andrew – Worried about when the insurance inspector come by / can we make our 
own door to save cost?
*Mike – Used doors would considerably reduce that cost 
*Andy – These are 20-min fire resistant doors specifically certified for this, 
we would have to look up about other materials involved.

*Andy – we need more prices and options to get a plan
*Andrew – if we want strips instead of outlets?  
*Devin dislikes, from a build quality and safety standpoint
*Andy – electrical to code, can always plug a strip in if you dare 

*Extending the machine shop space
**Devin – Not being able to work with a 4x8 sheet in that room sucks, can we 
move the furnace to the machine shop to solve both issues?
**Andy – we could put a closet around the furnace
*Needs consensed floor plan/BOM
**Devin – It would give us the room needed for 4x8 sheets, safely, quickly, and 
**Andrew – can we solve this by re-arranging?
**Phillip –Vertical radial arm saws would fit and be usable in the current space
**Devin – Equipment Jenga: roller stands for things are very expensive ($40/ea 
if bought), and would need them on everything.  As for the radial saw – cost 
**Andy – more space lets us have more things
**Chris – We have ventilation existing that would take most dust, keeping from 
the furnace
***Devin – we have a dust collection system too, can be planned into the 
building of the walls
***Andy – We can run more ducting if the furnace is moved drastically
***Devin – Moving at all is expensive, having it in the zone of the other 
furnace would give a large temp shift, we also have a vent where *the furnace 
is now, and floor drain
***Mike – Don’t think moving it is reasonable

Seems like moving the furnace in general is a bad idea.

*Heating the machine shop:
**Devin – if we changed the ducts for a more efficient output.  
**Mike – if we encase it we’ll need returns, we also need furnace filters – 
there almost solid

*The wall in general:
**Mike – who’s doing the estimates?  The heating would be different depending 
on what type of ceiling / details of the walls (height)
**The lower the ceilings the easier to heat, a while ago lofts were mentioned
**Devin – we could use beam construction, build like a deck
***More details need to be discussed
**Hopefully we can take it all the way to the wall.
**Andy we could have a 10’ and add a topper to get the rest of the height later
**Devin feels floor to ceiling would be best
**Mike – what about 8’ It’s easier.
**Chris –  construction is difficult, if it’s an 8’ thing to cut 8’ ceiling 
would be insufficient
**Devin – What about the meazzanine over in the meeting area?  Could have two 
floors for meetings / speakers

*Devin will take the lead on planning the floorplan
*Andy is on pricing / finding an estimate / and more vendors

= End of Meeting =
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