
After today's weekly meeting, there was an informal meeting regarding the 
interpersonal issues between Andy and Torrie. The two have agreed to remain 
civil to each other while handling SYN/HAK topics. As such, I am hereby 
rescinding my agenda item for tomorrow's board meeting to remove Andy from the 

The other two agenda items still remain.

Chris Egeland

> On Apr 11, 2014, at 4:00 PM, Chris Egeland <> wrote:
> To the Board, Membership and Community of SYN/HAK:
> I am hereby calling a special board meeting, the authority for which is 
> granted to me as a Champion under Section of the bylaws. The purpose 
> of this special meeting is as follows:
> * The adoption of a bylaw amendment to formally change our official address 
> to 48 S Summit St.
> * The adoption of a bylaw amendment to require the board to publicly post an 
> agenda of a meeting prior to the meeting occurring, and restricting the board 
> from voting on topics not on said agenda.
> * The discussion of removing Andrew Buczko from the board for refusing to 
> enter into a mediated discussion to resolve interpersonal conflicts with a 
> member.
> The venue of the board meeting shall be 48 S. Summit St, Akron OH 44308.  The 
> date and time shall be April 16, 2014, 7:00PM local Akron time.
> As usual, the membership is welcome, and encouraged, to attend this board 
> meeting.  Any questions may be sent to me off-list.
> Regards,
> Chris Egeland
> SYN/HAK Champion
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