On Wednesday, April 30, 2014 13:35:52 a l wrote:
> I was only at a portion of the meeting and it was civil and productive
> while I was there, but I'm curious as to what drama you think you have
> caused?

And *that* is the response to me explaining why SYNHAK has a toxic environment 
that pushes people away?

Not calling out people for being offensive?

No suggestion that maybe the reasons I'm upset have validity and should be 

No desire to figure out who is telling Andy B that my "behavior" is due to 
biochemical processes found in every female on the planet?

Your concern is about whether or not I think I'm a source of drama?

Right, ok.

RIP SYNHAK. Killed by bystander apathy.

> Regards,
> Andrew L
> On Apr 30, 2014 12:49 PM, "Torrie Fischer" <tdfisc...@hackerbots.net> wrote:
> > Hey, SYNHAK.
> > 
> > Its only been 8 days but I see that even when I'm not around I somehow
> > cause
> > drama. I think Einstein called that "Spooky Action at a Distance". SYNHAK
> > and
> > I are forever entangled at the quantum level.
> > 
> > My inbox is full of people asking for details about why I went on hiatus.
> > I'm
> > also aware of a board vote to remove me from my office of Treasurer, so I
> > figure that I might as well join the fun and burn some bridges while I go
> > down
> > in beautiful crimson flames. An ex-synhakker (we've got those now!) told
> > me
> > that SYNHAK seems to have a pattern of taking Treasurers and stomping the
> > ever-living crap out of them, so I'm obligated to take this personally.
> > 
> > I'd like to start with this wonderful snippet that was sent to
> > memb...@synhak.org, which caused me to ragequit:
> > 
> > ----8<----
> > Andrew Buczko <a4s...@dsprototyping.com>
> > Mar 11
> > to me
> > I'd like to resolve this issue by having Torie (Trevor Fisher) put on
> > suspension from SynHak (this will include SynHak's mailing lists and any
> > other service) for a giving amount of time.
> > 
> > I feel that she needs time to cool off for 3 months, 6 months a year? I'll
> > leave the time period up to the champions. Or at least until her sex
> > change
> > is done (since it has been brought up to me that this "behavior" of her's
> > is due to her taking hormones. ) <-- not mentioned before since it's none
> > of my business.
> > 
> > Hormones or not, the other members and the community should not have to
> > suffer because of her antics.
> > Andy
> > ---->8----
> > 
> > Remember, folks: you voted this mental midget of a person onto the board
> > :)
> > 
> > Lets not forget this other gem from a previous discussion with Steve
> > Radonich
> > concerning my efforts to make SYNHAK a Safe Space:
> > 
> > ----8<----
> > Even if someone was a raging transphobe how would we know? I don't think
> > it
> > really has any bearing on whether they're going to be a member or not as
> > long
> > as they can keep civil and not let their personal feelings or beliefs keep
> > them from getting a long with, at the very least putting up with someone
> > who
> > might be transexual. I highly doubt anyone at SYNHAK would think that is
> > funny
> > and find it offensive that you would even think that.
> > ---->8----
> > 
> > Remember, folks: I'm someone who should be put up with! You all decided to
> > go
> > along with his plan to introduce more rules and bureaucracy to stop
> > someone
> > from forcing the community to address a situation where they feel
> > completely
> > unsafe!
> > 
> > I could also copy in some discussions I've had with folks around the 'net
> > about the rack situation, but frankly I'm just tired of it and would
> > prefer to
> > notify the Akron Community Foundation, our insurance, the city's economic
> > development team, Akron Public Library, and really any of the other
> > organizations in the area that come to me asking about getting involved
> > with
> > details about the corruption in our board brought in by Justin and Devin.
> > I'm
> > sure they would also all love to hear about how the board feels that we've
> > got
> > enough of a drug problem to enact a drug policy.
> > 
> > When we started SYNHAK, we wanted to be better than noisebridge. Judging
> > by
> > the reactions of others when I explain the situation, I think we've
> > succeeded
> > in being a better drama mill than noisebridge:
> > 
> > <jontyw> London is measured in millinoisebridges
> > <evanmcc> that's totally rotten
> > <jontyw> Sounds like you're at at least several noisebridges
> > <evanmcc> "look, you've gotten dangerously close to me having to enage any
> > empathy and for that I am going to punish you forever"
> > 
> > Congrats! I'm so proud of everyone. We are now (in)famous within the
> > hacker
> > communities.
> > 
> > Community, you've got the power to change this and fix things. SYNHAK
> > doesn't
> > have to have this shit. It can really be a nice place where everyone feels
> > safe and there aren't constant power struggles between those who hate
> > rules
> > and those who wish to rule with an iron fist. I was hoping I could step
> > away
> > for a month or two, take a well deserved vacation, and come back to a
> > hackerspace that is not on fire.
> > 
> > Looks like I was totally wrong :)
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