I understand that there is going to be a lot of resistance to such a proposal, 
and in fact believe that the most likely outcome is having the proposal 
rejected by the membership. However, I do hope that we can have a productive 
conversation addressing an issue that we are having that is typically left to 
be discussed about little groups. I do feel that Torrie has been acting in a 
manner that is very detrimental to the community and has caused SYNHAK to start 
to tear itself apart. 

I personally don't like my name being publicly tarnished by someone who's 
accusations about me are unfounded. I have admitted that my wording was not 
acceptable and , if I haven't already I certainly meant to, apologise to Torrie 
for saying those unexcellent things. What I said though does not deserve me 
being continually called a transphobe on the public discuss list, especially 
after I have addressed this before I believe multiple times. How anyone can 
defend her comments on the discuss list the last 24 hours really baffles my 

Not only have I tried to discuss some of these issues on the mailing list, I 
have not once responded to anything Torrie has said in a nasty manner. While in 
comparison Torrie goes into other threads in the public mail list and trashes 
me there as well. On top of that after no one else on the discuss list comes to 
my defence when I have been the civil one in this whole affair, instead I get 
champions and others going to the defence of Torrie. Then when I make a 
proposal to have her removed from the community, because not many on the list 
were completely fine with her comments and sat idle, multiple people express 
their intentions to block it, some without any reasons as to why they're going 
to block it. People may not want to admit it, but there are those in the group 
that will not criticise Torrie no matter what she says or does, I guess because 
either they are very good friends with her, or because she came up with the 
idea of SYNHAK.

I honestly had a lot of respect for her in the past, as well as enjoyed hanging 
out with her at and outside of SYNHAK. Up until the last 24 hours I had hope 
that me and her could still remain friends, however she burned that bridge as 
she intended to with her initial email under the "Hiatus Hiatus" thread.

Quote from her initial email:
     "I'm also aware of a board vote to remove me from my office of Treasurer, 
so I figure that I might as well join the fun and burn some bridges while  I go 
down in beautiful crimson flames."

Can someone please explain to me why I am the unreasonable one because I feel 
that someone who acts like that has no place in a community that is supposed to 
be open to everyone? Is it because I feel that she has become the center of 
such a big issue involving many members of SYNHAK? Ask yourself the following: 
Has her response to many of the emails today been in line with our Code of 
Conduct "Be excellent to each other"? 

I really want to have a discussion on this issue, and I thought the discuss 
list was a place where we all are supposed to discuss things, so as not to 
exclude anyone who can not make it to a Tuesday meeting. Instead when I put 
time into a reply that really wants to get deep into the issue and truly solve 
it most of my points or questions go unaddressed in responses. 

To sum this all up as simply as I can: The biggest problem I see is that Torrie 
preaches how we should all be open minded to other view points and ideas, at 
least giving them some serious thought, and I can totally agree with that. 
However, open mindedness is not a one-way street but she seems to think that it 
works that way. As soon as I expressed a view point that was polar opposite of 
one of hers she started being aggressive towards me and I find that 
unfortunate. This all could have been avoided if she practiced what she 

Hope to get some serious replies instead of the normal name calling and 
complete dismissal.


From: tdfisc...@hackerbots.net
To: discuss@synhak.org
Date: Thu, 1 May 2014 02:13:00 -0400
Subject: Re: [SH-Discuss] Proposal: Removal of Torrie from the SYNHAK   

On Wednesday, April 30, 2014 20:34:50 a l wrote:
> If anything we owe it to -any- of our members to set up the  CWG and
> determine a course of action surrounding their continued involvement.
> I have a draft of the proposal for a CWG but I have been focusing on school
> lately. I will send it out tonight. Omar had also indicated that he has
> suggestions for the CWG.
> I did not mean to imply malicious editing. There was a time when we all got
> along , even had fun together, and I'm just naive enough to think there's a
> chance we can still return to that.
Andrew, I've never stopped believing in that.
> Regards,
> Andrew L
> On Apr 30, 2014 8:21 PM, "Robert Rybicki" <rob...@robertrybicki.com> wrote:
> > Torrie is one of Robert W favorite people in the world. Jen or myself will
> > be blocking this by proxy.
> > 
> > Torrie is beyond talented in so many ways and is a huge benefit to the
> > community. Granted she is currently using her talents to insult and flame
> > others on the mailing list, her unexcellent behavior is a response to
> > insults and threatening behavior. You people need to work it out because
> > forcing each other out of the community or out of offices is not cutting
> > it. That goes for Torrie as well.
> > 
> > Sent from my iPhone
> > 
> > On Apr 30, 2014, at 7:54 PM, Chris Egeland <ch...@chrisegeland.com> wrote:
> > 
> > Chiming in that I will block this proposal.  That is all.
> > 
> > Chris Egeland
> > 
> > Sent from my iPhone
> > 
> > On Apr 30, 2014, at 19:50, Steve Radonich IV <nesfr...@outlook.com> wrote:
> > 
> > I'm sorry but we do not have time to set up a CWG with all of the
> > procedures and such they are supposed to follow while this type of
> > treatment is going on. These are all publicly available on the email list
> > and the quotes are in no way altered. I really am failing to see your
> > logic
> > in defending Torrie's actions today on the discuss list when she has been
> > nothing but vile towards others.
> > 
> > -Steve
> > 
> > ------------------------------
> > Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 19:45:41 -0400
> > From: leit...@gmail.com
> > To: discuss@synhak.org
> > Subject: Re: [SH-Discuss] Proposal: Removal of Torrie from the SYNHAK
> > Community
> > 
> > I'm not sure we have enough facts to back up the claims made in some of
> > these quotes.
> > Until such time that we get the community working group involved and have
> > all the facts rather than partial quotes and hurt feelings I cannot
> > support
> > this proposal.
> > Regards,
> > Andrew L
> > On Apr 30, 2014 7:26 PM, "Steve Radonich IV" <nesfr...@outlook.com> wrote:
> > 
> > Proposal: Removal Torrie from the SYNHAK Community
> > 
> > I am proposing the following:
> > 
> > The removal of Torrie Fischer from the SYNHAK community for the following
> > reasons.
> > 
> > * Negatively talking about SYNHAK affecting the public opinion of the
> > 
> > community on the mailing lists, examples being:
> >     * "Never started SYNHAK, the Akron Hackerspace." - Wed, April 30 2014
> > 
> > 17:09
> > 
> >     * "Then I hear that I'm being removed as Treasurer due to Devin and
> > 
> > Andy's persecution complex, so I started looking for housing in the
> > 
> >     San Francisco because SYNHAK is dead to me." - Wed, April 30 2014
> >     15:59
> >     
> >     * "It died months ago when I was convinced to rescind my proposal to
> > 
> > remove Justin from the board." - Wed, April 30 2014 15:59
> > 
> >     * "Congrats! I'm so proud of everyone. We are now (in)famous within
> > 
> > the hacker communities." - Wed, April 30 2014 12:49
> > 
> >     * "RIP SYNHAK. Killed by bystander apathy." - Wed, April 30 2014 14:29
> > 
> > * Publicly attacking Steve Radonich IV and Andy B. on the mailing list by
> > 
> > unjustly calling them names, examples being:
> >     * "Remember, folks: you voted this mental midget of a person onto the
> > 
> > board :)" - Wed, April 30 2014 12:49 - Directed towards Andy
> > 
> >     * "Remember, folks: I'm someone who should be put up with! You all
> > 
> > decided to go along with his plan to introduce more rules and bureaucracy
> > to   stop someone from forcing the community to address a situation where
> > they feel completely unsafe!" - Wed, April 30 2014 12:49 - Directed
> > towards
> > Steve
> > 
> >     * "A community that doesn't treat me like some strange sexual
> > 
> > fascination as if my genitals define who I am." - Wed, April 30 2014 17:09
> > - Directed towards Steve
> > 
> >     * "Steve loves rules and has an authoritarian stance on everything.
> > 
> > Thats the only reasonable answer that can explain this majestic piece of
> > legalese:" - Wed, April 30 2014 16:12 - Directed towards Steve
> > 
> >     * Using her position of Treasurer to target those she has a
> > 
> > disagreement with:
> >     * "Devin - It will be reimbursed just not now, but me and Andy have
> > 
> > been told no on reimbursements and just only us. Given reciepts to others
> > to get the money. Someone took something the wrong way, and they are
> > attacking back using the position as treasurer. But this needs to stop
> > right now, because it is discriminatory." - Tue, April 29 2014 - Meeting
> > Minutes
> > 
> > It is with these issues, and others that I may not even be aware of, that
> > I feel Torrie Fischer is no longer someone SYNHAK can afford to have
> > around. Causing division and strife within the community, then refusing to
> > take responsibility for it. She has shown that she can't be trusted in a
> > position of power within SYNHAK as she uses it as a weapon on her personal
> > enemies. Personally attacking members, calling them transphobes when there
> > is no evidence of such, talking negatively about SYNHAK, and saying that
> > SYNHAK is dead are all reasons for removal. Plus if she thinks it's dead
> > then there is no reason for her to be here any ways as it will just cause
> > trouble.
> > 
> > -Steve
> > 
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