Under this proposal we would return to the letter of our by-laws. Voting
processes listed in the proposal would be used during proposals. Steve's
proposal process would be superseded for proposals.

Michael, I too like the idea of returning to a simple, transparent, and
easy to understand system to improve SynHak. Lets get started!

On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 11:11 AM, Michael Griesacker

> from Wikipedia: A *filibuster* is a parliamentary 
> procedure<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliamentary_procedure>where debate 
> is extended, allowing one or more members to delay or entirely
> prevent a vote on a given proposal. It is sometimes referred to as *talking
> out a bill*,[1] <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filibuster#cite_note-1> and
> characterized as a form of obstruction in a 
> legislature<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legislature>or other decision-making 
> body.
> so, is this to supersede Steve's proposal process?
> I see no mention of blocking, which I don't think I really understood
> anyways, seemed like just a more overt form of filibustering. Not against
> dropping that usage, I just want to make sure I understand.
> -also, this seems pretty simple and easy to understand.  I like simple....
> On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 10:32 AM, Justin Herman <just...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Issue being resolved:
>> As SynHak has grown larger, SynHak has undergone some growing pains.
>> Valuable individuals have come and been scared off by our elaborate
>> procedures and processes. Browbeating has become all too common. When
>> motions with members are seconded and modified voting has occurred
>> decisions have been able to be made without long fruitless tirades.
>> A clear proposal and decision making strategy would help us avoid 3 hour
>> meetings where everyone feels like they went though a battle. Voting treats
>> all members present at the meeting and members who announce a proxy before
>> meetings to have an equal voice. In addition voting will allow us to move
>> forward and return to the meetings of the past. Our meetings could be quick
>> and productive, instead of long and tiresome. It will curb grandstanding,
>> soap-boxing, meandering of topics, and filibustering. IMO discussion is
>> vital to hash out ideas but not all discussion needs to occur during public
>> meetings. In addition voting does not need to be used at all times.
>> <example: A member motions to close the meeting, someone seconds it. No
>> one speaks up for opposition. The motion passes.) (2nd example: A proposal
>> is presented do do X.Y.Z. A discussion occurs. During the discussion
>> members and non members voice their opinions. Some members agree with the
>> proposal while others don't. A member calls for a vote. A verbal vote of
>> the members in good standing and their selected proxy. A majority of more
>> than 50% of the total votes cast and the proposal passes, 50% (or less) and
>> the proposal fails with the option to be resubmitted and reapplied later.>
>> Proposal:
>> SynHak will follow the organization's by-laws, and use discussion and if
>> necessary, voting of the members present, in good standing, at the
>> membership meeting (including proxies) to handle all proposals that public
>> meeting discussion has show to have opposing voices. Any member can call
>> for a silent ballot but verbal ballots will be the default. For a proposal
>> to pass, more than 50% of the votes cast must agree with the proposal.
>> Submitted By: Justin Herman
>> Proposal Endorsed by: Devin Wolfe & Chris Neer
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