Try adding this to the <html> tag:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="";>

>>> "Richard West" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 5/15/2006 3:59 PM >>>
On my company website it was brought to my attention last Friday that
none of the CSS files are being loaded when viewing it with Firefox. 
I have tested IE, Safari and Opera and they all look fine -- however
Firefox is still refusing to load the CSS and this is causing me huge
Does anyone have experience with a similar situation? I have been
working on this over the weekend and today and I'm about to go crazy.
have resaved all of the CSS files to the server, examined them in Hex
look for any strange characters and can find nothing.
If you have access to Firefox, and another browser (to see what is
*should* look like) pay a visit to 
I'm going nuts here.
Richard West
Peachtree Data
Phone: 678.987.4650
Fax: 678.987.5650


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