Since I started this, I assume its directed partly at me.

I have no problem helping you, Robert, and have offered lots of help to your many questions in the past. However, I feel its in your best interest to know what you are contemplating is possibly illegal and certainly not something I, or other responsible members of the community, condone. I won't debate the legality of it, IANAL. However, copyright law is pretty darn clear on what you can and cannot legally do. Stealing images from one site to use on your own is quite likely outside the legal limits of fair use.

If you wouldn't mind someone stealing your hard work and reusing it, then by all means, go ahead. However, I think you'd be pretty upset if someone did the same thing to you.


Dean H. Saxe, CEH
"Dissent is the purest form of patriotism."
    --Thomas Jefferson

Find out about my Hike for Discovery at

On Jun 8, 2006, at 4:28 PM, Robert Reil wrote:

This response is not directed at any one individual and therefore should not be taken personally by any one individual. However as they say. "If the shoe

I have renamed this email as shown so that those who want to help can reply to the other thread, and those that want to discuss legal politics (I don't)
can discuss it on this thread.

So what's the deal...?

Is the subject of more help due to questionable legalities from some of YOUR
perspectives negating the ability to provide help and direction?

I have gotten very little help (those that have helped thank you very much) but I sure have gotten A LOT of UNSOLICITED FLACK about the moral issues of
what we are trying to do.

Help is available everywhere. Some places are better helps than others. You guys are near, uniquely qualified, mostly friendly, and in general I hear helpful. I hope that things work out with us all as I am trying to find a way to get rolling in the CF language and community. But honestly..., I'm getting a bad taste in my mouth digging through the politics today to try to glean some wisdom from the gurus about starting down a road that I need to

I'm trying hard to learn be patient, and I need solutions. I'm desperate to find them and my pockets are not deep. Some day they will be and I can hire folks from the list to work full time if need be, but not now. So for now, I
grovel and beg for kind assistance.

I could say more, but... in an attempt to humble myself... I digress...

Ok Im off my soap box.

Robert P. Reil
Managing Director,, Inc.
4292 Country Garden Walk NW
Kennesaw, Ga. 30152
Office 770-974-8851
Fax 770-974-8852

-----Original Message-----
From: Mischa Uppelschoten ext 10 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 3:48 PM
Subject: re[2]: [ACFUG Discuss] DATA MINING!

If you publish something, it's not automatically copyrighted, it has to be somewhat unique. Your blog is certainly copyrighted because it's unique/a work of art; your blog is not copyrighted simply because you publish it. The fair use clause in copyright law also relates to how the content is used. If Robert is using that data for research, he is fine (however, the site specifically prohibits using that data outside it's catalog, but that's an aside). The part numbers and descriptions may have been publicised on microfiche one time, but if a company went through great pains to digitize it and make it available/searchable, it's not necessarily there for the
taking and I think it would be considered a work of art.
If a search engine spiders your site and makes it available through it's search mechanism, it does so to direct traffic to your site and not because it's in the same business as you are. The content is used for a different
purpose and therefore it may be fair use.
(Obviously I'm not a lawyer :-)

The content on my site is public, but it is also copyrighted by the fact
that its been published.  The line is pretty clear.


Dean H. Saxe, CEH
"[U]nconstitutional behavior by the authorities is constrained only by the
peoples' willingness to contest them"
    --John Perry Barlow

Find out about my Hike for Discovery at

On Jun 8, 2006, at 3:00 PM, John Mason wrote:

I'm not a lawyer but I would think that if the content is public (no login
required, etc) that it could easily fall into a possible "free-use".
Otherwise, the caching servers and browsers that save and storage the
content and images could be breaking the copyright by default as well. Of
course, some copyright statements may have that exception written in
somewhere. There's certainly a blurred line with this.


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Dean H. Saxe
Sent:   Thursday, June 08, 2006 2:16 PM
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] DATA   MINING!

Good question... and I am not sure of a good answer on that one. I've always wondered how Google and the WayBackMachine get away with it and
call it "fair-use".


Dean   H. Saxe, CEH
"Free speech exercised both individually and through a free press, is a
necessity in   any country where people are themselves free."
-- Theodore Roosevelt,   1918

Find out about my Hike for Discovery at

On Jun 8, 2006, at 2:05 PM, John Mason wrote:

First, I'm not advocating data mining. From the system admin side of things, it generally annoys me, but just out of curiosity what is the legal difference between data mining a public site and a search engine bot that indexes the content and images. Seems to me they would be doing
the same thing?


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Dean H.
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 10:25       AM
Subject:       Re: [ACFUG Discuss] DATA MINING!

Uh, you may have some       copyright issues if you steal the images.


Dean H. Saxe
"[T]he people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
This is easy. All you have to do is to tell them theyare being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country
to danger. It works the same in every country."
--Hermann Goering, Hitler's Reich-Marshall at the Nuremberg Trials

Find out about my Hike for Discovery at

On Jun 8, 2006, at 10:16 AM, Robert Reil wrote:

Hi         all.

Good to see all at         the meeting last night.
Data         Mining.................

I am gearing up to         do some data mining from some sites.
Preech told me         about <cfhttp> to make this work.

You gurus out there if you have a second. Do you see any problems
with mining the         content of:

The site lists years, then models, then categorys for that yr/mdl,
then lists a         picture, and a list of items, part numbers, and

I need to get ALL         this data for all years, models, categories,
images, item number, item         desc, part no, and notes.

Does this site seem friendly enough to start my journey towards this
required         result?

Any rough draft         hints on where to start?

This will me my         first CF code creating adventure.

Robert P.         Reil
Managing         Director,, Inc.
4292 Country         Garden Walk         NW
Kennesaw, Ga.         30152
Office         770-974-8851
Fax         770-974-8852

Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 8:24 AM
Subject:         RE: [ACFUG Discuss] OT: Able Commerce

I worked with the         CF version back in 1999.


Paul Morton
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 5:34         AM
Subject:         RE: [ACFUG Discuss] OT: Able Commerce


I'm surprised to hear that. My understanding is that the CF version
has been around a         while. That's a good point for me to get

I did hear (from         an Able Commerce employee) that the current
development team tends to         develop improvements on the DotNet
platform first and apply the changes         to the CF version latter.

It looks like the client is leaning towards the CF version right now just due to the lower learning curve to modify source code. They have no experience in either technology but are much more impressed
with the ease of         understandability in the CF side.

Thanks for the         feedback.

Paul Morton
-----Original           Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cody
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 9:07           PM
Subject:           RE: [ACFUG Discuss] OT: Able Commerce

Also keep in mind that the CF version is fairly new compared to the Dot Net (old ASP) version. On a project I worked on in the past I found it odd they actually sold a beta. But the good thing is I think forthe money you can definitely get some great built in


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 9:05           AM
Subject:           [ACFUG Discuss] OT: Able Commerce

I am interested in feedback on Able Commerce . I have a client
that is very interested in moving           to that package, and would
welcome your thoughts on any support           issues, performance, or
implementation issues.

Any thoughts on the Dot Net version vs. the CFMX version would
also be helpful.

Paul Morton

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Mischa Uppelschoten
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