Database Schema usually refers to the definition and design of your database.  You will see acronyms like DDL (Data Defintion Language) or some might refer to it as the Metadata, which simply just means Data about the Data.

On 6/20/06, Robert Reil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

DB Schema? You mean the relationships of tables? I can give a link to that.


It just seems that from what Cody was saying I have to understand JAVA, and CF, and SQL to get a grip on how to do what needs to be done.


My biggest problem is available time. Im working 7 days a week now and have little extra time. So I need to implement a solid method of achieving a goal of getting this modification done. I cant afford to keep stabbing at getting this thing done. Hire this guy, and that guy and no one offering solutions. So for that reason I have a meeting with a professional DBA web project manager next Monday to discuss his developing a plan where I can get some results. I am sure there will be some subcontracting, learning, DIYSing (Do It Your Self), employee delegating, ACFUG list info gleaning etc. Just trying to figure out where to start and have solid direction.


But Jeremy thanks for the words of confidence.


Robert P. Reil

Managing Director,, Inc.

4292 Country Garden Walk NW

Kennesaw , Ga. 30152

Office 770-974-8851

Fax 770-974-8852

From: Jeremy Allen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Learning Cold Fusion


Robert don't be scared. Just design it and implement it. You will always be stuck in the gulf of wondering if you can do it or not unless you actually do it. You don't need a Ph.D to turn out a solution that works. You will make mistakes. You can always fix them. Much better to try and fail and improve from your failure than to not bother trying because of the perceived complexity of the tasked. If your solution works and has reasonable performance characteristics it is good. You can look back with more experience and ponder how you might have done it better. You will often find that if something works and still performs well the reasons to monkey with it or make it "better" are academic rather than driven by some business need.  Anyhow, if you get stuck post your DB Schema (table design) and the business need you are trying to solve and we can help you out. Stop worrying about if you can or can't do it. All you have to do is get your hands dirty. You may feel lost or that you are doing something wrong. Just keep doing it until one of the following happens: it works or it does not work and you have tried everything you can think of to make it work.

Good Luck


On 6/20/06, Robert Reil < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Gosh... Now I am scared...

>From my perspective I have a simple problem (I need a table added in between
2 tables that are currently using one table.

But it seems that I either need thousands of dollars to have it done, or
years of learning in order to figure out how to do it...  :(

Maybe I should get another cart that does this thing I need done...

Robert P. Reil
Managing Director,, Inc.
4292 Country Garden Walk NW
Kennesaw, Ga. 30152
Office 770-974-8851
Fax 770-974-8852

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Drucker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 8:27 AM
Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] Learning Cold Fusion

Yes, Cody has many very valid points -- AbleCommerce has its own mechanisms
for customization...many of which I didn't particularly care for,

Also, you should note that AbleCommerce is really and truly a Java
business-logic layer with a ColdFusion-based UI tier. That is to say, you
will not be able to view the source of any of the AbleCommerce Java classes
and most of your CF work will revolve around using <cfobject> or
CreateObject() to instantiate the proper classes and pass valid parameters
and datatypes (javaCast()). You'll also need to properly interpret their
documentation, generated with JavaDocs.

I don't even really consider working with AbleCommerce to be CF's more of an exercise in leveraging Java from within CF,
and working with their administrative UI. Hopefully the CF-tier has improved
a bit from the last time that I used it (4.32). At that stage it was a
really bad port of (obviously) JSP that didn't take advantage of simpler
(and more scalable) CF features -- particularly with respect to form
validation and caching instantiated components in session scope for faster

The site that we developed in Ablecommerce 4.32 is here:

Steve Drucker
Fig Leaf Software
Adobe / Macromedia / Google / Paperthin Premier Consulting and Training

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Cody Wehunt
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2006 8:13 PM
Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] Learning Cold Fusion

I think all the comments so far are spot on.  Your learning style will
definitely dictate what method is best for you.  However I think that you
need to look at your problem from several angles.  Some initial thoughts

1)  You need to review and read the documentation at ablecommerce on how to
make modifications that will not break when doing upgrades to their products
in the future.

2) You definitely want to make sure that you abstract as much as possible
your changes from their code and database tables.

3) For the project you mentioned you will likely need to know a significant
amount about database design, not just SQL and Cold Fusion.


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ] On Behalf Of Robert Reil
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2006 6:56 AM
Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] Learning Cold Fusion

Thank you all for your comments.

I have 6.1 loaded on 2 servers with each running AbleCommerce.
I need to at some point consider 7.0 upgrading, but at another time.
I have Forta's Construction kit, and his advanced book.
Some list members have given me a couple links.
I am using MySQL 4.1x
And Dreamweaver MX 2k4 is loaded.

I am a self taught MCSE 4.0, Cisco, and HP certified so self taught is no
problem for me and like most have said I basically just started loading
software and started using it and making it work per the exercises. So I
guess CF will be the same thing.

All of my needs for CF are solely to make my AbleCommerce app work better,
and for us to create some internal tools like purchasing apps, add columns
to the AC framework to hold vendor csv data, create research tools like
"Where Used" (we had a LONG discussion on that last week!) etc.

So I really don't have time to learn a lot, just enough to get by or even
maybe just enough to direct someone to what I want if it's too deep.

Based on this info are there any further tidbits?
Other than that I guess I am ready to get into the meat of the Web
Constuction Kit I would say from reading you all's notes and start playing
with our data.

Im thinking a relevant project for the company may be good. Something simple
like a Phone Support lookup tool (product search)?

As far as DB Design, Normalizing etc I don't see I would need that unless I
am able to build that Where Used DB as previously discussed.
Or if I add that one to many, or many to many as was also dicussed to insert
that "Vendor_Products" table into the AC framework but Im afraid of how to
rebuild it if AC has an upgrade available later.

Robert P. Reil
Managing Director, , Inc.
4292 Country Garden Walk NW
Kennesaw, Ga. 30152
Office 770-974-8851
Fax 770-974-8852

-----Original Message-----
From: Dean H. Saxe
Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 11:51 PM
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Learning Cold Fusion

By the way, if you haven't seen it yet I have a little advice on how *not*
to write code.

The company I work for, Foundstone (A division of McAfee), has just release
HacmeShipping.  The tool was written by me, along with some support from
Jeremy Allen.  It shows how *not* to write CFMX 7 code under Model-Glue,
though mostly from the perspective of security concerns with CFML. You can
download the code from
along with installation instructions and an white paper, written by Jeremy,
showing how various web application attacks work against the application.
For some real fun, download HacmeBooks (J2EE) and HacmeBank (.Net) to see
how the three work together using web services and how all of them can be
attacked using similar paradigms.

For someone learning CFML, this is a good tool to show you what you
shouldn't be doing from a security perspective.  Hopefully everyone learns
something from my "mistakes"!


-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Ross
Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 9:52 PM
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Learning Cold Fusion

I read somewhere that the best way to learn is having to do something... ie:
your fired if you don't learn coldfusion. Hah, there is some nice learning
pressure for you.

I would say that the best (and cheapest) way to learn CF (or any programming
language) is to read a book and try to build something while having a
mentor. This helped a ton when I learned java... course I did also take an
online class that sorta forced me to do the material.

the great thing about the cf list is that it can definately help you out
when you are lost!

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 9:27 PM
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Learning Cold Fusion

Whle some learn best by book, some of us don't.  Even in college, I had to
write notes from my readings and to study I would rewrite my notes, as
retarded as that sounds.  Just reading nor hearing a teacher in class make
things click for me.  It is a weird combination of all of those, plus doing

Even now, I am listening to CF podcasts, articles, keeping an eye on lists
like these and local user groups in order to attempt to keep the skillset
sharp.  So whatever method works for you is what you should do.  But always
keep some reference books handy and start building your list of bookmarks!


-----Original Message-----
From: Douglas Knudsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 9:11 PM
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] Learning Cold Fusion

I actually had to watch that CBT back in 2000 when I entered the CF
world.   'SkillBuilding With ColdFusion'  IIRC was the title.  It was
for 4 or 4.5 version but the basic ideas still apply today.  I know I have a
copy around, but alas those copyright rulez!  :)  Luckily we have electrity
now, so its ok  :)

I'd concur with others on this.  Hands-on experimenting with some books on
the side is a great approach.  If you are dead against self-teaching look
into Fig Leaf for sure.


On 6/17/06, Charlie Arehart < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you for that, Dean. I'm especially pleased to hear that I've
> been of help to you, seeing how much you now give back to the
> community. And that
> indeed the way it ought to be. I was motivated to get into user groups
> because I learned so much from them, starting in the early 80's in my
> mainframe career--yes, we had user groups back then, and mailing
> lists,
> even electricity. :-) Seriously, though, that cycle of learning and
> giving back has been so valuable.
> As to Jeremy's suggestion in his earlier note regarding SQL books, I
> would have to counter that Joe Celko's books are definitely more for
> those who have achieved not just the basics but really is ready to go
> well beyond that. Certainly great stuff, but like recommending the
> Gang of Four book
> someone's first foray in to Design Patterns (Head First would be a
> better choice there). Instead, I'd recommend Ben Forta's "Teach
> Yourself SQL in
> Minutes". If you read the spotlight review at Amazon, mine from 2000,
> see why I like it so much, and it's in its 3rd edition now.
> Otherwise, Jeremy makes fine points, as confirmed and added to by Dean
> and Rick.
> As for books, you mentioned Ben's CFWACK and it's indeed a classic.
> You
> find discounted copies of that, and The CFMX Bible (done by the
> Churvises, Hal Helms, and myself), and many other good CF books (like
> the Oreilly
> online.
> And don't forget the free manuals that come with CF, and more than
> just
> "reference". There's a real "user guide" to CF, CFML, coding, and
> more, that's several hundred pages long. You can get it in print and
> read it online in HTML and PDF. In CFMX 7 the manual's called the
> "ColdFusion MX Developer's Guide", and in 6.1 "Developing ColdFusion MX
> something yet again in CF5). It and all the docs are available online
> in
> and HTML form (and can even be purchased in print) at
> Don't forget, as well, the example apps that come with CF (an option
> on installation). They're not paragons of good design, but as has been
> in this thread, there's learning to get started, and then there's
> learning to advance. CF7 in particular has an especially nice
> flash-based interface to help with its getting started resources.
> Finally, though it may be old, there was a CD produced by Allaire
> called
> SkillBuilder. I would bet you could find it. There's a more recent
> version of something similar, a video that does cover CFMX, at:
> I've not used either of them but the price for the latter is right to
> fit
> your budget.
> /charlie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ] On Behalf Of Dean H.
> Saxe
> Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 4:45 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [ACFUG Discuss] Learning Cold Fusion
> I'm with Jeremy on this.  I'm a book learner, read a book, implement,
> read more, implement more.  I'm a self-taught programmer, unless you
> consider taking Pascal in college in 1990 part of my career (I don't).
> Classes are helpful,  but they are expensive.  Most classes I see on
> any technical
> of expertise are in the neighborhood of $750 - $1000/8 hour day.
> That having been said, the best addition to books and trying new
> things
> always been having a mentor to work with.  Someone who knows XYZ
> just a bit better than you so you can learn from his or her experience.
> first boss, Eric Palmer, was that person for me WRT DB design and SQL.
> My next boss helped me really get my feet wet with OO and Java.  WRT
> application security, I was on my own for a while but eventually found
> people who have helped me grow in that space as well.  I've also
> learned a lot from people in ACFUG over the years too.  Cameron
> Childress, Jeremy Allen (who I'm happy to work with now), Charlie
> Arehart, Shawn Gorrell and others have all been great resources over the
> Good luck Rick!
> -dhs
> On June 17, 2006, Rick Lansford wrote:
> > I took a class, but looking back, it would have been just as easy to
> > learn on my own. However, I am not in the league with the others on
> > this list (I still pretty much use a basic to mid-level programming
> > technique). So if your goal is to get to their level I think it
> > would take some formal training. Just to let you know, you can do a
> > lot (and I mean a lot) just knowing the basic aspects of CF and
> > having a pretty fair understanding of SQL and DB design.
> >
> > Rick
> >   -----Original Message-----
> >   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Robert Reil
> >   Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 2:25 PM
> >   To:
> >   Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] Learning Cold Fusion
> >
> >
> >   Here's an easy one!
> >
> >
> >
> >   Whats the easiest cost effective way to learn how to get up and
> > rolling in CF?
> >
> >   Budget a couple hundred.
> >
> >   I have servers, and software. Should I take a class, a web school,
> > or use Forta's Web App Construction site?
> >
> >
> >
> >   Opinions and links welcome...
> >
> >
> >
> >   Robert P. Reil
> >
> >   Managing Director,
> >
> >, Inc.
> >
> >   4292 Country Garden Walk NW
> >
> >   Kennesaw, Ga. 30152
> >
> >   Office 770-974-8851
> >
> >   Fax 770-974-8852
> >
> >
> >
> >
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