I have an image window called “New Products”

This window calls the image associated with the product.

However to save space I would like to give the image the rule of being shown at 100px wide no matter what and still be proportionate.

But some images are tall and some wide.


I don’t think I can call a width and still stay proportionate.

If my assumption is correct I need to interject logic that manages proportion.


<!---  x=original image width -à

<!---  y=original image height -à

<!--- X=new image width -à

<!--- Y=new image height -à


<!--- HOW DO I pull image ht/width attributes from the image???? -à


<cfif x eq y>

            <cfset> X=100

            <cfset> Y=100

<cfelse x neq y>

            <cfset> X=100

            <cfset> Y=(100/X)Y




This is the area where this needs to go:




//'show an image if the image property is set


            WriteOutput("<a href="" & objNewProduct.getStaticURL(baseURL,token.getIDString()) & """ Class=""Product"">" & chr(10) & chr(13));

            WriteOutput("<img src="" & objNewProduct.getImage1() & """ width="" X "" height="" Y ""></a><br/>" & chr(10) & chr(13));






Any advice to make this work?

Note that I need X, and Y in the second WriteOutput string to be proportionate but where X=100


Whats nice is that I can see the study group is helping me get this stuff quickly.

Thanks group!




Robert P. Reil

Managing Director,

Motorcyclecarbs.com, Inc.

4292 Country Garden Walk NW

Kennesaw, Ga. 30152

Office 770-974-8851

Fax 770-974-8852


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