For a good laugh on how not to run a business read this.
Read from the bottom up for a laugh, and please advise me if I am correct in
my assumptions that my proposal would work...


Robert P. Reil
Managing Director,, Inc.
4292 Country Garden Walk NW
Kennesaw, Ga. 30152
Office 770-974-8851
Fax 770-974-8852 
Thanks Martin:

Both ways is how I meant it. 

There are securities that can be set up as described below that Svetlana may
not be considering.

You would own and hold the page secure and Svetlana would authorize the

Once the page is built and authorized we just call the page.

Is it possible for me to email her to further discuss the technicalities of
doing such?

I think the 2 of us talking tech for a couple letters would yield a secure
win-win solution.

You can forward the following for her to better understand where we are
coming from and our end goal.



We are using a ColdFusion driven JAVA cart named AbleCommerce.

AbleCommerce is able to HOST many stores. But we only use one store, as we
are not a Store Hosting Company.

Using this feature we have had to assign unavailable products to a store
with a different ID than our store.

This results in the ability to toggle on and off the unavailable products.

What we would like to be able to do is to do a stored procedure in our MySQL
server to go to Martin's Database.

You set up the securities so that all the customer (we) can do is run a
SELECT statement. (Martin: Select means view only)

You would give us an account and password and that is all we have to even
get the results of the SELECT privilege.

You would further only be giving us access to 


PARTNO (of that table)

INVENTORY STATUS (of that table).

I am positive you can secure this info in the User Security portion of your
DB program.

You see you have the ability to say what username and password can get in.
And once in that user can only view the above mentioned items.

With the DB location, name, username, and password we should be able to have
our Stored Procedure call the PartNumber, and its status (in stock, not in

Theory is that if we can run this SP say twice a day then we will know what
Martin has in stock. And have that logic toggle that item in our store to
being in or out of inventory in our store.

This is basically all I need.

However some less sophisticated companies may want to have something similar
based on an ASP that you generate to have in their site.

Alternatively if you can not or will not we could create a page on our site
with a snippet of code that calls your ASP content as a frame or cell
content if possible.

But it would not allow the items to be listed in our cart or searchable on
our site, and many sales opportunities would be lost. 
Thanks for listening Martin...

I hope that you can see the win-win in this and that Svetlana can understand
the simplicity and security functions of Database Applications.

Robert P. Reil
From: Martin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 8:53 PM
To: Robert Reil
Subject: Re: I beg you. Please dont read this till you have a clear mind.

Hi Robert...I will agree to the second paragraph

Hi Martin,

Not sure I understand what  he is talking about. To
give access to the database to other companies could
not be save, because they can delete all data or
change prices or something else. I would strongly
recommend NOT give access to the database to others. 

On opposite side if they need to create some asp page
with specific information, or have already created asp
page and they want to put it to our server and that
page will access our database - it could be done. 
But that page will be on our server and they will not
have access to the code on that page after
implementing on our server.


----- Original Message ----- 

From: Robert Reil 
To: Martin 
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 6:55 PM
Subject: RE: I beg you. Please dont read this till you have a clear mind.

Thanks so much Martin. This is more than fair. Finally some forward

I look forward to hearing what is said by Svetlana.

Thank you.

Robert P. Reil
From: Martin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 6:44 PM
To: Robert Reil
Subject: Re: I beg you. Please dont read this till you have a clear mind.

Robert I am not blowing you off to Harry, I pay Harry almost 100k/ year to
run things, Harry does most of the web updates and I have forwarded your
e-mail to my web girl...believe me I want nothing more than NOT to be out of
stock of kits.....Harry hears about it from me daily....I will wait to here
back from what Svetlana says and Harry about it. 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Robert Reil 
To: Martin 
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 5:47 PM
Subject: I beg you. Please dont read this till you have a clear mind.


Please read this dialogue in its entirety from beginning to end. I beg you
to have an open mind and realize that not only is my proposed solution ULTRA
simple but it would also allow ANY or your DEALER customers to use this tool
safely to be able to represent your products on line without your company
name being listed.

This solution would take a maximum of one hour to set up and if I could have
just 10 minutes time of who ever set up your website and database we could
figure out an easy way to make this work.

I could get all technical but basically if I had a copy of one file on your
web server I would be able to rename it, remove some of the parts.asp file
contents to remove your navigation name, etc, etc and know what data to
call. (Note this file is not the same one seen on your site, as the ASP file
is a bit different on your server than what internet customers have access
to.) Then once the parts.asp file is renamed and skinned down you would just
put the file back right next to the parts.asp file and we customers would
make a link to that copied file to show our customers what is available in
your inventory and the retail customer on your dealer customer's web site
would NEVER know that it was being purchased from you. The Dealer wins, you
win, everyone wins.

Please, Please, Please help me help you help me...

I know I am becoming a pest to some of you, and I don't want that at all.
But I am desparate to find a way for our relationship work. Can I at least
have the webmaster's phone number? That person will tell you how simple,
easy and secure this is...

Lets do it this way:
      Cons of pursuing this:
            Will take time to read this letter in it's entirety
            Will take time to contact the webmaster or give me their number
            Will take the webmaster up to one hour of labor.
      Pros of pursuing this
            Will allow EVERY Dealer customer the ability to provide better
customer service.
            Will give KEYSTER a better name as more dealers will sell it.
            Will minimize email questions.
            Will make me a very happy Dealer as our sales will increase when
it comes to your product.
            You will never hear from me again about problems from how I see

Please read the history of our and Harry's conversation. And think about it
for a while. Don't respond to this immediately but do think about it and let
me know.

As I said below to Harry I am forced to stop representing your products in
our cart due to the costs and difficulty in doing so. But I also explain why
there is an amazingly simple work around which would make this a wonder full
win-win situation for both of us.

PS. Please do me the decency to reply personally and not blow me off to
Harry. He doesn't seem to have time to give me a well thought out answer.

Robert P. Reil
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 4:17 PM
To: Robert Reil
Subject: Re: Phone call

Sorry sir not sure what your question means, however we do not wished to be
involved in your order processing or inventory system sir. You will have to
work with what you have.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Robert Reil 
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 1:31 PM
Subject: RE: Phone call

Harry I know you are busy, but what does.... "Sounds good" mean?
Is this something that you will pursue?
Or deny?
Im confused at your reply.

Robert P. Reil
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 1:23 PM
To: Robert Reil
Subject: Re: Phone call

Ok sir sounds good


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Robert Reil 
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 12:40 PM
Subject: RE: Phone call

I thank you for this real answer and your info on the CB650 79/80.

This morning we have removed your product line from our shopping cart. 

But please be aware that we desperately wish to fix that.

It would seem that the problems with back orders and availability are
literally adding about 20 hours a week to my work load and the expense of
the refunds brings us to a financial break even point.

In a work around I am developing a web page that would be able to pull data
from your server and tell me what is and is not in stock. However when
testing this page your server returned a complete page with all your contact

Is it possible to work with your Database Administrator in order to have a
tool that will check this?

If not our potential sales of your product will decrease drastically as that
is really the only way I can sell them.

I understand your situation, and I am sure you can understand mine. But
based on the tools we have we either have to be able to access your
inventory status, or stop supporting your product in our cart which pains us

One added note:

Our shopping cart has the following functions.

We can tell it to email a vendor (YOU) a purchase order upon having a
customer place an order.

We can make a piece of logic that can have our Database server to check your
server every "x" increment so to check inventory.

We can toggle items on and off in the cart with ease and have all this
happen behind the scenes.

If you can support the DB request this will make this work perfectly from
now on as here is what will happen.

Our cart will only list available items based on the last report your server

The order we get will be emailed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

The order will come, and we will never need to talk again!

Every one wins!

What do you think?

Robert P. Reil
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 8:08 PM
To: Robert Reil
Subject: Re: Phone call

Ok robert this is the best method to order from us.

Check our website for in stock status. Kits that are sold out with a picture
we normally stock. 

Order the product through [EMAIL PROTECTED] email

If out we'll let you know, please check back in time frame mention in our

If a non stock item we can order in if Keyster will manufacture - minimum 20
kit order - 3 moths lead time

We will not be watching your back orders or P.O.'s, but we will email you
when kits you were looking for arrive. 

You decide what is needed to do to sell based on this system. 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Martin 
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 5:06 PM
Subject: Fw: Phone call

<!-- Side note(Notice Martin (business owner) forwards this to his #1 guy
who historically doesn't give good info...) -->
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Robert Reil 
To: Martin 
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 1:42 PM
Subject: Phone call


I tried to call you on the phone today but could not reach you.

Any how, I need to discuss with you the problems we are having with selling
your items.

Here is my dilemma.
The below orders I took in our cart. 

Granted we have not yet removed your unsupported items from our cart yet but
we are today as my data manager is back from time away.

As you know the credit card company takes money from the sale on the way in,
and when the customer is alerted that the item is B/O for 90 days chances
are they will want a refund and the credit card company will take money out
on the way back as well.

Including s/h charges billed to the customer on the sale, the total came to
about $280 in sales.

Say roughly 7% of the sale is taken for card fees on the way in and out
combined this would be a total of almost $20 for a weekends worth of
automated sales and our volume is increasing.

I am understanding that these kits are items that are supposed to be stocked
based on the KH spreadsheet Harry sent a month ago and the KK, KS, KY email
he sent last week.

Note that "*" denotes not in the list of available products.

KH-0526N- out until early November *
KH-0128- instock 
KH-0581N- out until early November
KH-0527N- out until early November
KH-0229N- out until early November 
KH-0116- out until early November
KH-0025N - out until early November
KK-0044 - in stock
KH-1095- out until early November *

Based on the above, five out of seven products (that I was told were
inventory items) are back ordered till November.

I have to ask myself... 
What is the norm here?
Are these fluke anomalies?
Is the spread sheet of items that are supposed to be stocked incorrect?

Are the items that are not in the spread sheet supposed to be stocked? (if
so why are the not in the spreadsheet, or if not then why are they on back
order to be sold later?

Did Harry possibly send me a list of what just happened to be in inventory
at the time with no regard to what you TRY TO KEEP IN STOCK?

Martin, I'm really confused...

All I need to know is:

What you TRY to stock. (I assume the data that was sent to me is correct and
I will attach it for your review)

I hope you can see that I have reason to believe that the data given to us
is less than correct.

And that we are really struggling trying to sell you products and it is
costing us more than we have margin to cover.

I really want to be able to support your product line but I am afraid that I
am realistically considering if it is cost effective to keep your product
line in our cart.

Can you please call me on the phone or give me a number and time to call you
so that we can further discuss these issues?
Robert P. Reil

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