Hello everyone, I apologize for the earlier mail sent.. I dont know what happened and the incomplete message got sent.....
                             I have 2 questions.
1) I have a search page which might return 1000's of records for a search/keyword. I have implemented Pagination i.e. showing NEXT / PREVIOUS (10) RECORDS at a time. My problem is that everytime I click on NEXT OR PREVIOUS, the query is getting executed all over again. I dont want the query to be run everytime NEXT/PREVIOUS link is clicked. I have this code to do the caching
<cfquery datasource="#client.dbname#" name="StateRegs" cachedwithin="#createTimeSpan


<cfoutput query="StateRegs" group="Reg_Name" startrow="#start#" maxrows="#end#">
data shown here

<td><a href="" + disp")#">Next >>#next# records</a> </td>
(this link basically takes to the same query page, but I have a url parameter action, which if set to search will run the query and display search results)
Similarly a link for previous records. In the coldfusion Administrator, ONLY SAVE CLASS FILES IS CHECKED AND MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CACHED QUERIES IS SET AS 300.

2. The second question is also long. So plz visit this URL...http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/showthread.php?t=428803
Its about implementing multiple word search on a site and you have search for those words (maybe 3 or 5 or even more) in 4 tables.

Thanks in advance...


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