
Dean, thanks for bringing that up, but it's not an issue in this question. And, not to diminish your expertise in any way, but it's a little like asking "have you figured in the cost of doing SSL over TCP/IP into your business. Again, elementary analogy I know, forgive please. I will explain further below.


I've used this solution since 2000. As I stated in the email which you reference from 2004, this is a solution which removes the middle man (the gateway) and all associated fees. If by monthly fees you mean a Visa/Mastercard required minimum, yes, no one escapes that - no one! What this means is that if you don't do X amount in combined V/MC transactions each month (whose resulting fees equal $20), they will charge you $20 in place of the percentage and transaction fees. If you do X amount, then your $20 min., is waived and you pay the transaction and percentage fees instead.

Now, as for any other fees, monthly or other, no. The only fee you pay in this set up is the per transaction fee assessed by V/MC/Amex and Discover. Currently, my fees are:

V/MC 2.02% per trans, and .28 cents
Amex 3.25% per trans, and (I think) .10 cents
Discover 1.68% per trans, and .10 cents

This is from memory. But here is the number from my accounting ==> Of all sales income received by Credit Card, divided into total (all, everything) processing fees, my overall cost for this year is 2.5%. For the cost of CFXNova, I think it's a dam* good deal. Show me a lower number and I'll.......

Now, let's talk about PCI DSS because Dean brings up a valid point, if not (in my stupid, retarded and humble opinion) misguided. Here are the PCI DSS, non enforced, difficult to prove, let's all feel good about (insert standard here), compliance points:

Build and Maintain a Secure Network
1. Install and maintain a firewall configuration to protect data - been there done that. 2. Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for system passwords and other security parameters - yeah, that was a no brainer
Protect Cardholder Data
        3.      Protect stored data - done
4. Encrypt transmission of cardholder data and sensitive information across public networks - done (128 bit Rijndael encryption)
Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program
5. Use and regularly update anti-virus software - some argument here, as it can cause more problems than it solves. 6. Develop and maintain secure systems and applications - done: SSL, closed ports, per file/script/page security, required log ins, multiple app checks
Implement Strong Access Control Measures
7. Restrict access to data by business need-to-know - Yes, because Dave in the mail room needs card data? 8. Assign a unique ID to each person with computer access - right. Or, no let's be stupid and use admin/admin
        9.      Restrict physical access to cardholder data - not hard to do
Regularly Monitor and Test Networks
10. Track and monitor all access to network resources and cardholder data - yep
        11.     Regularly test security systems and processes - yep.
Maintain an Information Security Policy
        12.     Maintain a policy that addresses information security - yep.

Let me add a few more
13. Only store data for as long as is necessary for your business, balanced with the need for some level of customer support (i.e.: don't bug the customer for their card when you need to refund something 3 days later). 14. Use actual human readable log files generated by CFXNova and store and review on a regular basis to look for fraud. 15. Review each and every transaction, looking for CVV2 and AVS compliance, if it's suspicious, void, refund or delete it. In some cases, I've even contacted the issuing bank.
        16. Change encryption keys on a regular basis.

Now, how much does all of that cost? Less than 2 hours per month, if that.

Again, Dean makes a valid point. But more important is to understand that you have some basic obligation to cover yer arse! You can store the card data or not. But too often I see people who think that once a transaction is completed that the card data can be deleted. Let me give you a nice paradox for your morning coffee.

V/MC tell you not to store the data or at least say that you should not. Funny. Because six months after a card is processed you may get a charge back. And, since your "customer" gave you an address which may not match the card holder address, and since you deleted the data, you have no way of knowing which transaction is being disputed because V/MC simply gives you a card number and an amount. You have fun finding that one!

Derrick Peavy
Sales and Web Services
Universal Advertising
Phone: 404-786-5036
Fax: 404-370-0470

On Dec 13, 2006, at 4:23 PM, Mike Staver wrote:

I don't know I guess - I had assumed that the CC number got transferred using this tag and I wouldn't need to store it anymore, but perhaps I'm wrong. Is anybody using this method currently?

Dean H. Saxe wrote:
Perhaps I misunderstood.  Who retains the credit card data?
Dean H. Saxe, CISSP, CEH
"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt
On Dec 13, 2006, at 3:34 PM, Mike Staver wrote:
I'm curious to what you mean here - are you saying that Costco isn't compliant? It was my understanding that this setup doesn't store the CC but rather uses Costco - but maybe I misunderstood.

Dean H. Saxe wrote:
What about the costs of compliance with the PCI DSS standard? Figure that into your equation before trying to accept credit cards.
Dean H. Saxe, CISSP, CEH
"What is objectionable, what is dangerous about extremists is not that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant."
    -- Robert F. Kennedy, 1964
On Dec 13, 2006, at 3:06 PM, Mike Staver wrote:
Going way back to 2004 posts here, is there a monthly fee for this?

Derrick Peavy wrote:
Use Costco with CFXNova
1. Join Costco at executive level ($100)
2. Apply for merchant account ($35)
3. You now have a merchant account for $135
4. Download CFXNova for 30 day trial.
5. With CFXNova, you get 2.2% V/MC @ 28 cents per transaction. If you can show me a lower rate, I'll buy you a cup of coffee - you can't. This rate is for Internet / Mail Order / Telephone. Swipe rates are as low as 1.68%.
6. Using CFXNova and coding for certain parameters, you can get
non-qualified rates down to less than 3%. Non-qualified rates are basically business cards and most merchants don't tell you that your non- qualified
rate can be 4% or more.
7. Since you are going directly from your server to the processor (Nova), you do not pay a middle man for gateway services as in the case of
Authorize.net, cybercash or other services.
8. I use this solution. So far this year, my sales are at just under $50,000. My TOTAL credit card costs for the year to date is $1,095.00 or, 2.2% of total sales. That includes everything to do with the credit card processing. I can assure you that when the dust settles, you will not
realize such a low cost with any other solution.
9. You can download a trial of CFXNova at www.cfxworks.com
Derrick Peavy
Sales and Web Services
Universal Advertising
From: Tom Chambers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: Chambers Systems
Reply-To: discussion@acfug.org
Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 7:48:12 -0400
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: Slightly OT: Credit Card acceptence and processing

Good morning all,

Several questions regarding payments via a website.

1) Are fees fixed or a percentage of the transaction?

2) What are some suggestions for the most reliable/affordable provider of
merchant transaction processing?

3) Any tips on what types of credit cards to not accept (for any reason)?


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