not sure of the SLQ Server stuff, but in the CF code below you can utilise:
Trim(Replace(myString,' ','')).  Actually, looks like the code is already
using Trim(), just need to add the Replace() as above to remove intermediate

str_Token = Replace(trim(mid(arguments.str_Content, int_CurrPos, int_NextPos
- int_CurrPos)),' ','', 'All');


On 12/21/06, Ajas Mohammed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello everyone,
I need help on this one real quick. One of my colleauges used this custom
CF tag which parses a tab delimited text file and stores in array. How do I
add functionality to this code so that it would trim all the spaces i.eeither 
left or right or if value sent in txt file has spaces?????

If you understand the code , that will be great and if you could pinpoint
me to what needs to be done, then nothing like it... Also any explanation of
this code will help a lot.

I tried ltrim(rtrim(colvalue)) while inserting records but it doesnt work
in sql server 2000. Once records are inserted in table, I am not able to
trim the records.. If you know any sql server 2000 fix for removing extra
spaces left or right or remove extra spaces for values which are sent with
empty tabs or spaces???

Thanks in advance..if u cant open attachment , here is the code...

<cfparam name="attributes.str_Filename" default="" />
<cfparam name="attributes.str_LineDelimiter" default="#chr(13)##chr(10)#"
<cfparam name="attributes.str_TokenDelimiter" default="#chr(9)#">

<cffunction name="TokenizeLine" returntype="array">
    <cfargument name="str_Content" type="string" required="true" />
    <cfargument name="str_Delimiter" type="string" required="true" />

    <cfset var ar_Tokens = arrayNew(1) />
    <cfset var int_CurrPos = 1 />
    <cfset var int_NextPos = 1 />
    <cfset var str_Token = "" />

        int_NextPos = REFind("#arguments.str_Delimiter#|$",
arguments.str_Content, int_CurrPos);
        while (int_NextPos gt 0)
            str_Token = trim(mid(arguments.str_Content, int_CurrPos,
int_NextPos - int_CurrPos));
            arrayAppend(ar_Tokens, str_Token);
            int_CurrPos = int_NextPos + len(arguments.str_Delimiter );
            int_NextPos = REFind("#arguments.str_Delimiter#|$",
arguments.str_Content, int_CurrPos);

        // If the line ends with a token, add
        // an extra empty element to the array
        if (len(arguments.str_Content) gt 0    and mid(
arguments.str_Content, len(arguments.str_Content), 1) is
            arrayAppend(ar_Tokens, "");

    <cfreturn ar_Tokens />

<cfif ThisTag.ExecutionMode is "Start">
    <!---  Read the file and inititialize position and caller variables.
    <cffile action="read" file="#attributes.str_Filename#"
variable="str_Content" />
    <cfset int_CurrPos = 1 />
    <cfset caller.TextParse.str_Line = "" />
    <cfset caller.TextParse.ar_Tokens = arrayNew(1) />

<!---  Find the next delimiter. The regular expression
    finds the next line delimiter OR the end of the string.  --->
<cfset int_NextPos = REFind("#attributes.str_LineDelimiter#|$",
str_Content, int_CurrPos) />

<cfif int_NextPos gt 0>
    <!---  Get and return the line and tokens.  --->
    <cfset str_Line = mid(str_Content, int_CurrPos, int_NextPos -
int_CurrPos) />
    <cfset caller.TextParse.str_Line = str_Line />
    <cfset caller.TextParse.ar_Tokens = TokenizeLine(str_Line,
attributes.str_TokenDelimiter) />

    <!---  Reset the current position.  --->
    <cfset int_CurrPos = int_NextPos + len(attributes.str_LineDelimiter)

<cfif ThisTag.ExecutionMode is "End">
    <!---  Keep looping as long as we have content to process.  --->
    <cfif int_NextPos gt 0>
        <cfexit method="Loop" />

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