Ed - 

If you are using XML like this, I would suggest you take a look at Spry on Adobe Labs.

Also, I would caution you against using CFXML, and suggest using CFSAVECONTENT in its place.  CFXML creates an XML Object which takes up more memory than a simple string.  If you use CFSAVECONTENT then you do not need to use toString() either.  If you need some Spry samples, take a look at the ones I have posted.

I will also be presenting to the CFUG on Spry and ColdFusion integration next week.  



Andrew Powell
Senior Consultant 


p: 404.806.5868
c: 404.384.0166
f:  678.302.4310

On Dec 28, 2006, at 9:03 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

OK, I can now use Ajax to return what I think is a well formed XML
document.  However, the request.responseXML property is blank.  I CAN
find the XML document in response.responseText.  Any ideas as to why
request.responseXML is blank?

Here is the code that creates the XML:

<cfxml variable="xmlobject" casesensitive="yes">

<cfcontent type="text/xml"><cfoutput>#toString(xmlobject)#</cfoutput>

And here are the contents of request.responseText as returned by the

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Again, when I try to display request.responseXML via an "alert( )", I
get "request.responseXML is "

Thanks again.
Ed Szwedo

Web Development Team Lead
919-541-3955  (Voice)
919-541-3719  (Fax)

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