That was a good recap of the evenings festivities.  I will second that it
was indeed was a solid meeting! =)

Josh and Andy provided some great material.  It is great to see
ColdFusion(CFML) pushed into even more avenues of flexibility.  CFML will
soon be so diverse that Swiss Army will start feeling threatend.

I also thank the group for the oppurtunity to win the BD JX server.  I
believe knowing both Adobe's and New Atlanta's offerings will give me a
greater depth of knowledge for myself that translates into more options for
my clients.

The RSVP note was indeed important to note.  I suspect we did not have
enough pizza and "frosty beverage" for all of those who wanted to partake.

All in all, I hope to see everyone at either the next ACFUG or the AFFUG
meeting.  I shall be attending both.  I would gladly share another "frosty
beverage" with anyone willing to come.


On 1/4/07, Precia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


This is a good point to bring up.  I miss classses on Wednesday, as well.
The first meeting is to get a voice from interested parties about such
issues.  I can not change the January date, but I will make an effort to get
this changed to another day of the week.


> Precia:
> It was a good meeting with a good turn out. I know that the AFFUG has
> settled on the 3rd Wednesday of the month to meet. I am interested in
> attending, but my church choir meets on Wednesday. I'm already missing the
> first Wednesday for ACFUG and really can't afford to miss another rehearsal
> every month. Would AFFUG consider meeting on another night of the week? If
> not, I may split my time between the two groups.
> P.S. We just launched our third Flex/Flash application.
> Sincerely,
> Brooks Wilson
> Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value.
> - Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
>   Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta · 1000 Peachtree Street, N.E. ·
> Atlanta Georgia 30309-4470
> 404.498.8178 · fax 404.498.8239 · [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   *Precia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>*
> 01/04/2007 02:51 PM   Please respond to
>    To
>  cc
>   Subject
> [ACFUG Discuss] Starting the New Year with ACFUG
> To all of the subscribers of our mailing lists, our members, board and
> sponsors and friends, ACFUG would like to extend a very Happy New Year to
> you for being a part of our community!
> Last night, ACFUG started off the New Year off in an exciting way.  We
> had a great showing of people that included old friends and some new faces
> (Eric Gutke, Tony Terrana, Todd Tabberer, Sarah Chodrow).   Thank you
> everyone for taking the time to come and be a part of the ACFUG experience.
>  The January meeting introduced several fresh ideas to the group.
> The new location was a collaboration of FusionLink and echo•eleven to
> provide a comfortable meeting location.   Thank you John Mason of FusionLink
> for providing the meeting facilities and Scott Talsman of echo•eleven for
> extending hospitality to our members mingling in the echo•eleven facilities.
> New Atlanta of the BlueDragon fame provided a grand prize this past
> meeting with a free license of BlueDragon 6.2 JX server.
> Congratulations to Teddy Payne for winning!    ACFUG extends a special thank
> you to Josh Adams and Richard Baker from New Atlanta for taking the time to
> help make our first meeting of the year more enjoyable and helping our group
> learn about the new features of BlueDragon 7.   New Atlanta did not stop
> there as they sponsored the after party that compromised of adult beverages
> and snacks.
> Andy Powell of Universal Mind demonstrated yet another way that
> ColdFusion can be used in an AJAX based project from Adobe called Spry.
> Many of our members have heard of AJAX and Spry in recent days, but an
> actual testament of the usefulness of Spry reinforces a way to discern how
> and when to use Spry.
> The new user group, *Atlanta Flash Flex User* group (AFFUG) that will be
> meeting on the third Wednesday of each month.  The topics covered 1/17/07
> will be…
> Taming the Flex Wizard Shrew
> Jump into Flex with this tutorial on how to use the Flex wizards. Start
> using Flex and appreciating the power of Flex by using the Flex wizard to
> quickly and simply create rich interfaces. This tutorial will also go over
> what is happening during the wizard creation so that you can learn even more
> about good Flex code. Let's start creating mountains from a mole hill of
> work.
> Introduction to Flex Charting
> How do I populate a Flex chart component with data? What type of data
> can be used?If you have asked these questions before, this session will not
> only answer these questions, but provide working examples demonstrating how
> to use hard coded data, XML and ColdFusion returned queries.
> Flex Drag and Drop with ColdFusion
> How can Flex make your interface more user friendly? Drag and Drop. We
> will be discussing how to dynamically create drag-able elements in your Flex
> application and how to save the changes of the dragged elements into a
> database using ColdFusion. There are several ways to achieve drag and drop
> functionality, so we will be demonstrating different ways to help you decide
> which is best for you.
> More information about AFFUG is available at 
> In ACFUG's continued desire to make member experiences pleasant, we ask
> that you please RSVP for the meetings as we want to make sure that we have
> enough food and beverage for all of those who attend.   You can RSVP at any
> time at ** <> .
> Thank you once again for starting the New Year with us!
> Precia Carraway
> ACFUG Board Member
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Adobe Certified ColdFusion MX 7 Developer
Atlanta CFUG (ACFUG):

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