I've been using http://www.siteuptime.com/ , works great.
: Folks, maybe I was not clear. What I am asking about is a third party that can
:  monitor an app/URL in real time and report to me if the site is down, for
:  instance, if I am having dinner and the site goes down. Make sense? Looking
:  at logs is not the issue. Thanks!

: _____________ 
: Derrick Peavy 
: Sales and Web Services 
: CollegeClassifieds.com
: http://www.collegeclassifieds.com 
: A Service of UniversalAdvertising, inc.
: ___________________________________ 

: On Feb 2, 2007, at 6:13 PM, Derrick Peavy wrote:
: Does anyone have or know of a service that can monitor a CF app for up time? I
:  don't mean just pinging the domain to get a reply, but making sure that your
:  app is working and that Java, and thus, CF has not died in the middle of the
:  night? 


: _____________ 
: Derrick Peavy 
: Sales and Web Services 
: CollegeClassifieds.com
: http://www.collegeclassifieds.com 
: A Service of UniversalAdvertising, inc.
: ___________________________________ 

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----------------------- Original Message -----------------------
From: Derrick Peavy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2007 12:18:51 -0500
Subject: [repost] [ACFUG Discuss] Monitoring CF app / monitoring service
Folks, maybe I was not clear. What I am asking about is a third party that can monitor an app/URL in real time and report to me if the site is down, for instance, if I am having dinner and the site goes down. Make sense? Looking at logs is not the issue. Thanks!

Derrick Peavy 
Sales and Web Services 
A Service of Universal Advertising, inc.

On Feb 2, 2007, at 6:13 PM, Derrick Peavy wrote:

Does anyone have or know of a service that can monitor a CF app for up time? I don't mean just pinging the domain to get a reply, but making sure that your app is working and that Java, and thus, CF has not died in the middle of the night? 

Derrick Peavy 
Sales and Web Services 
A Service of Universal Advertising, inc.

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