             Yeah that function is really cool... I got an example online
using lists and I was able append columns to the list. But as you mentioned,
the referring the query by array notation was the trickiest part and I
couldnt have thought of it.

This is needed for future project/feature and I have the habit of thinking
about project as soon as someone tells me abt it. I just go crazy and try
various things to see how I will do it.  Thats how I am... Your code plus
the getColumnList() is the perfect solution.


Ajas Mohammed.

On 2/14/07, Charlie Arehart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Ajas, that's a really neat function. Looks like it is indeed
undocumented. It's a method of the cfquery resultset object (it works in
CFMX 6.1 as well as 7). I modified the line setting mycollist in my code
to use that, and the line following it, to be:

<cfset mycollist = ArrayToList(demoq.getColumnList()) />

And it worked like a charm. Cool stuff. (Though as for "doing it
manually", if you'd not found this, I would have just said take the SELECT
column list and put it in a variable. You must have already had one, in some
order that was important. But this is indeed much better.)

As for how long it took to write that example, it really didn't take long.
But then, I was already familiar with the key points that would make it
work: the fact that the column list was obtainable as a variable, and that
it was a list, and that therefore it could be looped over, as well as the
way to refer to query columns and rows dynamically (the trickiest bit). From
there, it was just a matter of testing it a few times and evolving it to add
more and more functionality. It may have taken an hour total, and then time
to write up the email.

I didn't mind, because I figured in the end it would result in something
that not only you but others would benefit from. In particular, since there
was none in the CFlib, it seemed worth offering, as much for the teaching
opportunity it offered as for the specific result it provided. Glad it was

BTW, if it really saved you in a professional way, I'll point out that I
do have an Amazon wish list. :-)


*From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Ajas
*Sent:* Wednesday, February 14, 2007 2:48 PM
*Subject:* Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF - How to create tab delimited text file
from query

Hi Charlie, Thanks for the input again. I was thinking of doing it
manually and I guess thats what you are saying also and it involves typing
the 84 column names in a variable. Correct me if I am wrong in my assumption

I found a solution to this problem and to be honest I am quite surprised
that it works.It lists the query columns in the same order as the select
query. I tried it and it works great. Looks like this one is undocumented

<cfset colHeaderNames = ArrayToList(results.getColumnList()) />

I am so happy. By the way, how long did it take you to write that code you
sent me yesterday? I want to develop my CF coding skills too.

<Ajas Mohammed />

On 2/14/07, Charlie Arehart <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
>  Thanks, Ajas. As for your challenge, here's a simple solution (sorry I
> didn't think to mention it yesterday).
> Put the list of columns you want to select in a variable, and use that
> variable in your SELECT (as in SELECT #mycollist# from ...) and then remove
> the line where I created it as a result of the sort of the built-in
> columnlist. That will cause the rest of the code to use "your" list. That
> should do it. Let us know how it goes.
> /Charlie
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Ajas
> Mohammed
> *Sent:* Wednesday, February 14, 2007 12:03 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF - How to create tab delimited text
> file from query
>  Charlie, All I can say is wow... Its a very neat & clean code... Thank
> you so much. I am bit sad myself as I didnt come up with a solution. Still
> learning I guess.... :-(
> answer to some of your questions --> Yes file has to be tab delimited.
> We send export file to client which should be a tab delimited text file.
> Your code will solve that issue. Thanks.
> The order of columns is very important for me. So I cannot live with the
> sort or the default CF way of displaying records with alpha sort. So the
> question is : How do we make CF return the results in the order the Select
> query is actually written? This is crucial since client expects the file in
> a particular order and I dont blame them because  this file is used by there
> system for reporting or whatever. So can we do this???
> My specs :  *Server Details * Server Product ColdFusion MX  Version 
>    Edition Enterprise  Operating System Windows 2003
> Thanks again for this wonderful script and advise on columns order
> issue.
> --
> <Ajas Mohammed />
> On 2/13/07, Charlie Arehart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >  Ajas, does it really need to be tab-delimited? Or is comma-separated
> > (CSV) ok?
> >
> > The latter is available at the site, a great site with
> > pre-written solutions to common problems. It has a search area, and
> > searching for CSV found these:
> >
> > or
> >
> >
> > But neither mentions creating tab-delimited. Actually, I first
> > searched there for tab and found nothing, so started on something of my own
> > to offer you. After writing it as a CSV solution, I was about  to offer it 
and just thought there had to be a CSV solution already. I searched
> > and found those about.
> >
> > Still, those are each a little more complicated (and perhaps more
> > feature-rich or better written) than mine, so  I'll show you what I
> > did and how you can make it either comma- or tab-separated. It may offer
> > some points of learning for you or others:
> >
> > <CFQUERY NAME="demoq" DATASOURCE="cfdocexamples"
> > cachedwithin="#createtimespan(1,0,0,0)#">
> >  select lastname, firstname, phone, location from employees
> > </CFQUERY>
> >
> > <Cfsetting showdebugoutput="No" enablecfoutputonly="Yes">
> > <cfcontent type=" text/plain ">
> >
> > <Cfset sep = chr(9)>
> > <Cfset delim =  "" >
> > <cfset newline = chr(13) & chr(10)>
> >
> > <cfset mycollist = listsort(demoq.columnlist,"text")>
> >
> > <cfoutput>#listchangedelims(demoq.columnlist
> > ,sep,",")##newline#</cfoutput>
> >      <cfloop query="demoq">
> >      <Cfset row="">
> >      <cfloop list="#mycollist#" index="i">
> >          <cfset
> > row=listappend(row,"#delim##demoq[i][currentrow]##delim#",sep)>
> >      </cfloop>
> >      <cfoutput>#row##newline#</cfoutput>
> > </cfloop>
> >
> > That creates output like this:
> >
> > Carolynn           Peterson        Newton            (612) 832-7654
> > Dave                 Heartsdale     San Francisco  (612) 832-7201
> > If that doesn't look right above, just know that it would generate
> > tab-separated columns, which it seemed you desired. What's going on?
> >
> > Well, first note that it's dynamically getting the names of the
> > columns in the query, using the columnlist variable available for any
> > cfquery, and it loops over the record set to output those. But it's got to
> > accommodate a few things.
> >
> > First, if the order of the columns is important, such as if you wish
> > they would come out in the order listed in the SELECT, I don't think CF does
> > that (even if you use other than the SELECT * I did). It always came out in
> > alpha order. Still, I don't know what version you're running, so to force it
> > to always be in alpha order, you'll see I added a listsort. That sorted list
> > has to be used twice, once for the list of column headers, then to get the
> > data.
> >
> > To switch it from tabs to comma separated values, just change the sep
> > variable value from chr(9), a tab, to just a comma.
> >
> >  Now, I'm not worrying about putting quotes around things that are
> > strings, and you may not need that. If you need to do that, I've provided a
> > delim variable that's currently empty. If you'd want to use quotes around
> > strings and not around numbers, I leave it to you to consider
> > expanding/revising that.
> >
> > You may wonder about the CFSETTING and CFCONTENT lines near the top.
> > Those will probably be critical. It may be important to tell the web
> > server to send it as plain text (instead of an html file), so lead it with
> > a:
> >
> > <cfcontent type="text/plain">
> >
> > And more than that, you probably also want to remove any white space
> > and also avoid sending any debugging HTML at the end (if enabled). Since the
> > approach I took above only outputs data inside a single CFOUTPUT inside the
> > loop (rather than using a CFOUTPUT QUERY loop), you can just use the
> > following line (at the top) to kill 2 birds with one stone:
> >
> > <Cfsetting showdebugoutput="No" enablecfoutputonly="Yes">
> > And as for causing a line break after the header line and between each
> > row of data, you can't use a <br> tag, since you're not generating HTML.
> > Instead, you'll note that I've used a newline variable which is set by
> > default to chr(13) chr(10), which creates a CRLF (carriage return/linefeed)
> > that I use when needed.
> >
> > I've not made it into a UDF, to be reusable (where you can pass it a
> > query and get the result), but again I leave that as an exercise for
> > readers. And while it would be nice to offer an update to one of the CFLIB
> > examples to make it support a tab, I've really spent too much time on this
> > as it is and will let anyone else interested propose that to their authors.
> >
> > Finally, Ajas, you said you wanted them to be able to download it. I
> > don't know if you really mean they want to save it, but I should add that if
> > your goal is ultimately for them to open it in a spreadsheet, you don't need
> > to make them save it first, or even right-click on your download link to
> > open in Excel, for instance. Instead, you can change the CFCONTENT and add a
> >
> > <CFHEADER NAME="Content-Disposition" VALUE="inline; filename=
> > export.xls">
> > <CFCONTENT TYPE="application/msexcel">
> > and now when the page is loaded it will open in the spreadsheet.
> > Enjoy.
> >
> > /Charlie
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  ------------------------------
> > *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Ajas
> > Mohammed
> > *Sent:* Tuesday, February 13, 2007 4:39 PM
> > *To:*
> > *Subject:* [ACFUG Discuss] CF - How to create tab delimited text file
> > from query
> >
> >  Hi there,
> >                Looks like today is DB day. I want to develop a feature
> > wherein user accessing the site should be able to create a tab delimited
> > text file ( i have a query which will be used) and user should also be able
> > to download this new tab delimited text file.
> >
> > Any suggestions are welcome. I have about 84 columns in that query so
> > please advise the best option.
> >
> > --
> > <Ajas Mohammed />
> >
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